6,082 ft / 1,854 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 38.1 km • 2,979 m gain • 17 hr 13 min
Latest climbs

"Walked into Dillon hut new years eve. Group of uni students had driven in with 4wd and were having a party. Nice of them to borrow me a tent to sleep outside for some peace.
Next day up the Taipo and then dunns creek to hut. Carried on up to a point just NE of dunns saddle. Stable schist blocks made a nice walk up. Scrambpe my way up to the summit ridge and then over to the summit. Decided on a shortcut and dropped dowwn the north face into upper scottys creek and sidled around to scottys saddle. Traversed the ridge east. Was getting dark by then and had some trouble locating the permolat track down in the scrub. Phone went flat at that point, so GPX track ended. Got down to the Taipo but was too swift to cross, went 750m upstream where it widened out opposite junction with seven mile creek. Made it over at 12.45am and walked out to car. 19 hours that day. Totally underrestimated time required. Had expected 12-14 hours. Bad thigh and back chafing and navigation and riiver crossing difficulties as well as too much faffing blew the time right out." — AidanAstwood • Dec 31, 2024

"Spent a day walking in to Scottys Bivvy where I stayed the night. Climbed Mt Tara Tama by heading to Scottys Saddle then following ridge lines until on the summit. I saw 6 chamois, 2 kea (mountain parrots) and 3 rock wren (a rare mountain wren that lives in boulder fields) on the way up. Did a bit of exploring along the Range before descending and spending another night at Scottys Biv. Day 3 was spent walking out." — glennj • Feb 16, 2017