Most climbed route
1 climb • 12.6 mi • 2,086 ft gain • 27 hr 12 min
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"My sister Shelley and I set our sights on the Harts Pass area for a challenge from the Ultra Pedestrian Wilderness Challenge series that was known as the North Cascades Peakbagging Challenge. The goal was to connect as many North Cascades peaks as possible in a single continuous push. The challenge has since been retired, but they have dozens of other awesome challenges to offer still.
We ended up bagging 6 peaks in total. We chose to do it as a single day adventure and stuck to peaks didn't require scrambling, but half of them included off trail travel. The idea was that of all the routes people created, they would pick one to be a permanent route in their challenge series, so we wanted to make it a bit adventurous without scaring anyone away from our route who wasn't comfortable scrambling.
Our route took us South from Harts Pass to bag Harts Pass Peak, Tatie Peak and Grasshopper Peak. From there we headed back to Harts Pass. We didn't use the car as a resupply point even though we passed nearby again, as this challenge was meant to be done unsupported, rather than self-supported or supported. We then headed North from Harts Pass to bag Slate Peak, Windy Buffalo, and Tama..." — Al-Rashid • Sep 21, 2020