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"As far as I can determine, Table Mesa is the 11th highest named summit in Kansas. This high point required driving on several miles of unpaved roads and some appeared to be on private property, but we did not encounter any problems. My son, Marshall, and I approached Table Mesa from the north. We tried to get closer to the mesa by following the road further south, after it begins a steep descent, but so much elevation is lost that it is better to park directly north of the mesa just before the road begins its descent. There is a barbed wire gate here, which has to be crossed, then it is an easy .25 miles to the summit plateau of the mesa, which is well named since the Spanish word "mesa" is translated to "table," in English, so Table Mesa can actually be called Table Table! On the summit you feel like you are on an Earthly table with great views to the north, east and west, if you walk the short distance to the edge of the mesa. When we left the area we made the mistake of driving north. The road deteriorates to basically an ATV trail, so we had to turn around and retrace our entire route." — Stewy • Mar 24, 2014