- Sugarloaf is located within Hudson Highlands State Park.
- The Wilkinson Trail climbs gradually at first, then becomes steep.
15 climbs • 7.5 mi • 1,849 ft gain • 2 hr 18 min
Latest climbs
"Ed and I had a beautiful spring day to visit South Beacon and Sugarloaf mountains at the end of November with a blue sky and temps in the mid 50's. Met at the large PA along 9D then headed right up Breakneck, fortunately all the scrambles were bone dry. Younger folks with lighter packs were blowing right by us we strolled along laden with winter-like packs. Yesterday I was in the Catskills dealing with wet snow and getting soaked then today I'm sweating from the heat and getting soaked. We cruised by the whack to the true summit of Breakneck, aiming for the tower on S. Beacon, so I can't count that bump. Casual lunch at the tower and time for Ed to take some video from the cab for his guiding website. Looped around to the Wilkinson trail which we took over to Sugarloaf mountain on our way back. We got to witness the result of a fire from earlier this year as we approached the summit and the iconic dead cedar tree. A section of the trail is closed for habitat rehabilitation so we had loop back around the mountain before dropping down to rt 9D. We definitely got spoiled with such a nice day.
" — Nimblefoot • Nov 26, 2019
"A trail and bushwhack loop of Sugarloaf mountain, Breakneck Ridge and Bull Hill from Rt 9D. Much cooler and less humid then it’s been since last week &weekend. A lot of crispy leaves already falling do to the excessive heat. The trail snacks, blueberries ,are ripening nicely." — Nimblefoot • Jul 24, 2019
"Taking advantage of another warm dry day by visiting two peaks on the Hudson Highlands peak challenge, Breakneck Ridge and Sugarloaf mountain. Easy whack off the summit of Breakneck toward Sugarloaf as a short cut to the Wilkinson trail." — Nimblefoot • May 16, 2019
"Out visiting the summits of two peaks in the Hudson Highlands, Breakneck Ridge and Sugarloaf mountain. Warm quiet day as I didn’t see a sole until I got back to my car. Bushwhacked off of Breakneck Ridge down into the valley to pickup the Wilkinson trail." — Nimblefoot • Sep 17, 2018
"A hike with the Rip Van Winkle Hikers doing parts of the Breakneck Ridge and Wilkinson trails from Rt 9D. Took in the views across and up & down the Hudson River. Interesting photo-ops with the old cedar tree on the summit. After some rehydration and snacks in the parking lot we headed to Moo Moo's Creamery in Cold Spring for ice cream." — Nimblefoot • Aug 31, 2017
"Loop hike of Sugarloaf, Sunset Point, and Breakneck Ridge in the snow. Much of the hike was through 1.5+ feet of unbroken snow, making the going slow and taxing. The quiet in what is usually a busy park definitely made the effort worthwhile. " — wacbravo • Mar 19, 2017
"Hiked a loop of the Breakneck Ridge and Wilkinson trails to visit the summits of Breakneck Ridge and Sugarloaf mountain for the month of January. Despite the overcast sky and low clouds I still got a nice view over the Hudson while lunching on the summit. " — Nimblefoot • Jan 2, 2017
"Final peak of a loop of Breakneck Ridge, South Beacon and Sugarloaf mountain with Ed, Connie and Grace. Wearing t-shirts and shorts and not concerned with traction devices at all in the middle of December...woo hoo. Views up and down the Hudson are reduced a bit because of the haze from the 60* temperature." — Nimblefoot • Dec 12, 2015
"Red lining the Undercliff trail in the Hudson Highlands and hitting the three-pack of Sugarloaf Mtn, Breakneck Ridge and Bull Hill in the process. A cooler but still warm day with less humidity. Early in the hike I had step over a hot and lazy black snake." — Nimblefoot • Jun 24, 2015
"After red lining the Notch trail and visiting Breakneck ridge and Bull Hill summits I headed over Breakneck ridge and out to Sugarloaf. Did a few bushwhacks to save time or at least add some challenge." — Nimblefoot • Apr 23, 2015