6,164 ft / 1,879 m
21 climbs • 7.3 mi • 1,378 ft gain • 4 hr 5 min • Class 1
2 climbs • 6.8 mi • 1,472 ft gain • 3 hr 39 min
Latest climbs

"I started this hike from the Colby Canyon side and clmbed up that trail and went by the surprisingly still flowing creek. The trail had nice views and many switchbacks, and was nicely maintained all the way up the saddle. Then I turned right at the saddle and started climbing up through the use trail to the Strawberry Peak Mountaineer's Route. Then I saw nice views throughout the hike up and this trail was occasionally overgrown, but it was manageable. Then I climbed up more and crossed 2 scrambles along the way, they would be treacherous if I went down them. Then I scrambled the last section up to Strawberry Peak, a exposed easy, and nice Class 3 scramble. The views were nice from the summit of Strawberry and there were 2 signs, a witness post, and a register box atop strawberry. Then I went down the other side, passing a viewpoint that had amazing views and was better that the Strawberry Peak summit itself and went down to Lawlor saddle. Then I u-turn and then headed down the trail around Strawberry Peak. The trail was nicely maintained, had some nice views and 2 forests, and then I reached the junction with the trail down to Colby Ranch, which I went to the left to get to Straw..." — lc444 • Sep 23, 2024

"Hiked from Colby Canyon. This hike took 3 horsu for 8 miles up the Colby Canyon Trail. The stream inside Colby Canyon has a lot of water. There were some insane switchbacks and some fall leaves in the last reaches of the canyon. There was a cistern at Josephine Saddle. At Josephine Saddle we attempted to summit Strawberry as well but it was too steep. The we went onto the fire road and then saw snow @ 5,200'. Then we reached the summit. It had a antenna building, a benchmark, a sign, and the summit bookshelf." — lc444 • Nov 14, 2022

"Started from Red Box and hiked to Strawberry/ Lawler Saddle. Went left there to climb Strawberry Peak. It is a steep 1000 foot climb from the saddle. There was no shortage of summit signs on top (there were about 4 or 5). On the way back, I included Peak 5166, which now has a freshly cleared firebreak going straight to the top. " — MikeTeeples • Oct 30, 2022

"I started at 10 AM and Rincon Red Box. The views from Red Box was okay, but not great. I saw the Gabrielino Trailhead and the trailhead parking witness post. Then we were finnaly at the trailhead. The trailhead had a false sign and a sign that said STRAWBERRY. Then we entered a forest after our 1st and 2nd switchbak. Then we crested Mt Lauyer. The part where the trail crested Mt Lauyer was very boring and dangerous. Then we went to Lawlor Saddle. Lawlor Saddle was okay,not great. Then we reached Lawlor Rest area. The rest area was windy. Then the ridge turned steep. The trail was supa steep. There were 3 false summits and a scarmble. We saw whet I called Snow Saddle. Tere wealso saw the latest snow pile on the trail. Then we finally reached Strawberry Peak after 2 long hours of straigtforward work. The peak had 3 signs, a register, a witness post, and some great views. I played 1 sign as a flute even." — lcnguyen • Dec 22, 2021

"Started from Red Box and reached Strawberry Peak just fine. But on the way back we decided to give that ridiculously steep use trail along the old cable route up to Mt Lawlor a try. It was not pleasant but we kept going and eventually got there. Then we had to go back down it. Though regretful in the moment, was still pretty fun." — jodola • Mar 6, 2021

"Another great day on the mountain continuing my efforts to complete all 18 peaks in the SoCal Six Pack of Peaks Challenge. Today was another combination hike. Peaks #7 and #8 of the challenge. Starting with Strawberry Peak, my 2nd Alternate Peak of the SoCal Six Pack of Peaks; and then continuing on to Mount Wilson, my 1st of the Original SoCal Six Pack of Peaks for 2020.
I was joined today by my friend Norma. We met up at the Mount Wilson Observatory Gate and carpooled back down to the Redbox Picnic Area and began our hike on the Strawberry Peak Trail. An easy route to summit from. Once we made it back down to the picnic area, we took a short break and then followed the Gabrielino Trail down in to the canyon to where it met up with the Kenyon Devore Trail. We then followed the Kenyon Devore Trail back to the gate and our staged car. The trail down on the canyon was a beast! There was a storm that came through a few weeks before our hike that knocked down a ton of trees. We literally had to climb up over, under, and around at least 40 trees that were blocking the trail. This made what should have been a 2.5 hour hike, a 4 hour 13 minute hike. It was rough, but very satisfying for ..." — Philip-Yoho • Jan 10, 2020

"This day, 11/24/19, was the day to finally up the ante in my post-accident hiking I wanted to up the challenge factor as I have not hiked more than a 6 mile hike with 1,300' gain since before my June 9th hiking fall near Mt. Wilson. I decided to try at least Peak 5166 and Lawlor and leave Strawberry Peak as a possibility. I parked at Red Box, crossed Angeles Crest, and picked up Barley Flats Road, which at first also is the same path as the Strawberry Peak Trail until after 1/3 mile, the old road continues straight and becomes overgrown, and the Strawberry Peak trail curls left and heads more uphill. I then found the saddle between Mt. Lawlor and Peak 5166, turned left onto the firebreak which crosses the Strawberry Peak Trail (SPT). The firebreak is partially overgrown, so some wading through thorny ceanothus and spiky yucca is inevitable. Then, after a short while, the firebreak steepens and is more conspicuous. It is a short hike to the top of 5166, but there is one small false summit very shortly before the true summit. In a couple of spots, there is a cable running through the firebreak, so watch that you don't trip on it. The summit has a wooden pole, and 2 tiny rock..." — brianpowell • Nov 24, 2019

"Great double peak hike today with Hike Beyond the Hills. We started at Redbox Picnic Area, hike up the Strawberry Peak Trail and summitted Strawberry Peak first. Then we headed back down to Redbox and continued down into the canyon via the Gabrielino Trail to the Kenyon Devore Trail and up to the summit of Mount Wilson. My second time in a month. " — Philip-Yoho • Mar 23, 2019

"Fantastic weather, the trail quality is excellent – cleaned up and well maintained since the fire. Still not trees have regrown, but encountered no poodle bush or poison oak. " — bheliker • Mar 10, 2019

"Cold day for a hike, being in the 40's at the Red Box trailhead. By the time we got to the summit a couple of hours later, the clouds were rolling in over us, threatening rain. That, fortunately, held off and we made it back to the trailhead dry. So not much in the way of views with the cloud cover, though the Pacific was visible at times in the Santa Monica area. " — marc • Mar 10, 2019