6,463 ft / 1,970 m
2 climbs • 14.3 km • 529 m gain • 6 hr 1 min
1 climb • 10.0 km • 445 m gain • 4 hr 45 min
1 climb • 13.7 km • 509 m gain • 5 hr 9 min
Latest climbs

"Originally, I had planned to go alone for this one, but Mike was looking to get out, so I ended up with good company. The trail was broken as well, so with a snappy pace we made it round-trip in about 3.5 hours (less than 4 including a summit lunch, pictures and layering stops). We didn't see anyone out our way, although there were some horses and riders heading down by the river at the junction just as we left and a few sledders heading towards Cat Creek. Views were spectacular, wind wasn't terrible and temperatures seemed fairly stable - cold in the woods and shadows, a few degrees warmer in the sunshine. It was -13 when we departed and -13 when we got back to the car. I had expected this to be boring through the trees, but there was some beautiful scenery nonetheless. On the way back we followed a different (sled) track and did a bit of a loop back. You could also head right to the 40 and walk back on the road if you wanted, but then you'd have to find a decent spot to cross the Highwood. " — leigh-annewebster • Dec 30, 2019