8,094 ft / 2,467 m
Most climbed route
- South Yolla Bolly Mountain is the 10th most prominent peak in California with 4,814 feet of prominence.
1 climb • 4.1 mi • 1,473 ft gain • 2 hr 22 min
Latest climbs

"Climbed right up the face of this mountain on a whim with a friend when I was about 18 and camping at the base. Not sure if there is even a trail to the top of this mountain--didn't see any while I was there. The climb involved a lot of scrambling up very loose and deep crushed rock (1 step forward, 1/2 step back) and climbing on crags. Slid all the way down the loose rock on our feet when we descended. Ah to be young and spry!" — TakinIt2Type2 • Sep 1, 1982