4,358 ft / 1,328 m
Most climbed route
2 climbs • 14.0 mi • 3,453 ft gain • 6 hr 56 min
2 climbs • 9.2 mi • 3,679 ft gain • 6 hr 13 min
2 climbs • 9.7 mi • 3,611 ft gain • 6 hr 56 min
1 climb • 10.8 mi • 3,056 ft gain • 6 hr 10 min
1 climb • 11.5 mi • 3,971 ft gain • 7 hr 48 min
1 climb • 11.7 mi • 3,691 ft gain • 8 hr 3 min
1 climb • 15.0 mi • 5,544 ft gain • 8 hr 7 min
1 climb • 9.9 mi • 3,513 ft gain • 6 hr 1 min
Latest climbs

"Despite the forecast calling for a cold and cloudy day, the sun broke through the early morning mist and kept me warm throughout the partly cloudy day. I set off from the Lonesome Lake Trailhead just after 8:45am - exactly two minutes after the official Autumnal Equinox, making the Kinsmans my first NH 4000 Footers hiked in the Fall. I walked south along the Franconia Notch Bike Path towards The Basin, enjoying the warm Fall colors and the quiet babbling of the Pemigewasset River. The water feeding into the various pools around The Basin, and The Basin itself, was crystal clear. The trek up the Basin Cascades Trail, despite being a very moderate 1 mile, took me nearly an hour because around literally every bend was a breathtaking waterfall, gorge, or slide. I took many detours to get a closer look at these views, but several stream crossings brought the beautiful water features right to me. Coupled with the Fall leaves catching the morning sun, I had to constantly stop to take pictures and take in my surroundings. The Basin Cascades Trail quickly became my favorite below-treeline trail in the White Mountains. Once this trail connects with the Cascade Brook Trail, the constant photo..." — JCalautti • Sep 22, 2024

"After North Kinsman. A solo hike down and up to South Kinsman. Windy and getting darker on the way back. Spritzed a bit of rain. Fishin Jimmy was a lot more up than I remembered. Got to hut to meet Nancy and her friends for dinner! Salty food, but nice ukulele singing after! " — lfrancois • Sep 9, 2024
"Very nice weather for a trip across Kinsmans Ridge. It was busy up there, we ran into several AT thru hikers. Took side trip to Kinsman Pond. A beautiful, peaceful gem in the Whites. Also checked out a very interesting Kinsman Flume after hitting No. Kinsman and Bald Peak." — Alohabuffy • Aug 2, 2023
"An out and back via Mt Kinsman Tr. 4 of us headed up to the Kinsmans and back. Not much snow on the ground. We did use spikes after the major water crossing. Beautiful day to have views. " — newenglandwarrior • Jan 8, 2023
"Radically different day compared to Waumbek yesterday. Now there is snow at higher elevation. Molly and I met up with Katie at Lafayette Campground and hiked up to Lonesome Lake, then along the disgusting Fishing Jimmy Tr. Lots of mud and snow. I gained a Calendar Day and Molly gained a couple of grid peaks. 10 miles!!!" — newenglandwarrior • Nov 14, 2021

"25 & 26/48. Solo.
Started out at Lafayette campground around 07:15. Only 7 cars in the lot, all of which had dew on them, probably overnight campers if I had to guess. It was about 40°.
Feeling stiff and creaky this morning even with a hearty breakfast of ibuprofen and a banana. Felt weird to walk directly next to people’s camp sites to get onto the trail for Lonesome Lake. This trail (~1 mile) was mostly hard packed dirt with a steady but not grueling incline. My legs were in no mood. A little bit before the lake, there were many plank bridges and i was on level ground again.
Lonesome Lake was absolutely stunning, the water was incredibly calm and reflective. I didn’t linger at the hut, just continued on to Fishin’ Jimmy, which remained plank filled and flat for a bit. Between mile 2-3 I encountered a lot of mud and distressingly, rock slabs and scrambles heading downhill. Then uphill. Then downhill again. The worst. Hate going down to go up. I picked my way down the wet rock faces carefully and rock hopped over all of the mud that didn’t have planks.
The uphill in earnest following this was punishment to me. Lots of interesting cut outs in the rocks, ladders, meta..." — kellieirene • Oct 7, 2021

"I’ve always found Fishing Jimmy to be a tough trail- today was no exception. Rocks and roots were slick and all the steeps required a bit more care than a speedy ascent and descent provide. Kinsman Pond was magical with the cloud cover but there were no long views" — hiking4000 • Jul 1, 2021

"Hiked up Mt. Kinsman Trail to N. Kinsman and then over to S. Kinsman and back. Steep rock slides in places. Trail was nice to hike up. Saw bear claw marks in a couple of trees. Cloudy and light rain at times. Views were very limited until we hit N. Kinsman on the way back from S. Kinsman. We got to see a rainbow too! 10 mile hike taking 9.5 hours to complete. 38 degrees at the start and 51 when we finished." — GreggC • Oct 3, 2020

"10 mile round trip from Lafayette Place. Half the group stayed at Lonesome Lake with the puppy while we bagged the Kinsmans. Fishing Jimmy is a very rocky trail and kept our speed slow. Better view from North " — hiking4000 • Aug 31, 2020

"A great day for this hike - warm and sunny...until the last few miles where it poured for 20 minutes! This felt great, for the first 5 minutes and then the trail became a stream and well, ya know :) Thanksfully we were done with the major drop by then. Started at Lafayette Campground to the Ridge Trail, over the Cannon Balls to the Kinsmen and down the Reel Brook Trail. Somewhere around 14 miles and 5000 ft of gain. Fun day." — deb-and-rob • Aug 15, 2020