
6,278 ft / 1,914 m


67 ft / 20 m


67 climbs

Top climbing months

July   28%

October   15%

June   13%

Most climbed route

Snoqualmie Mtn trail from Alpental/Snow Lake lot

3.4 mi • 3,113 ft gain


  • Snoqualmie Mountain is the tallest peak in the immediate vicinity of Snoqualmie Pass in the North Cascade Range of Washington.
  • Its shape is often described as "amorphous" or "blob-like", although it does display a steep north face dropping down to the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River.
  • The south ridge, ascending from Cave Ridge between Snoqualmie Peak and Guye Peak, is a non-technical hike.
  • To reach Cave Ridge, either ascend from the Snow Lake Trailhead near Alpental to the west, or ascend from the Commonwealth Basin to the east.
34 climbs • 3.4 mi • 3,113 ft gain • 3 hr 49 min
4 climbs • 3.3 mi • 3,133 ft gain • 4 hr 13 min

