4,180 ft / 1,274 m
- Slide is the highest peak in the Catskills, though it wasn't known as such until the late 1800's. Its elevation is still not official but several surveys show it to be over 4200'
- Bicknell's thrush was first identified on Slide Mt.
- One of the 4 peaks in the Catskills 3500 Peak Challenge requiring a winter ascent.
31 climbs • 5.7 mi • 2,287 ft gain • 5 hr 29 min
6 climbs • 5.3 mi • 1,680 ft gain • 3 hr 42 min
4 climbs • 16.6 mi • 4,709 ft gain • 6 hr 47 min
3 climbs • 5.4 mi • 1,630 ft gain • 2 hr 59 min
3 climbs • 7.7 mi • 1,748 ft gain • 3 hr 45 min
2 climbs • 6.8 mi • 1,698 ft gain • 4 hr 0 min
Latest climbs
"Traverse of the Burroughs range with Tom R and Joanne. We went from Slide PA on Rt 47 down to Woodland Valley as usual to reduce the elevation gain. But then we had the ever popular 3 mile descent from Wittenberg at the end which can be a bit tedious. Spikes all day, walking on more rock than ice or snow, and carried the snowshoes just in case. Surprisingly for a weekend day, Sunday, we only met one other hiker descending Slide as we were heading up." — Nimblefoot • Dec 15, 2024
"A fine Fall day for doing a twosie of Slide and Panther mountains. The morning started off cool, requiring some light layers but no hat or gloves, then as the cloudy sky cleared the temps rose nicely. First up an out and back climb of Slide from Slide TH off Rt 47 with only one other car in the lot at 8:18 am. The young couple seem to be waiting until I headed up the trail first. Had the summit ledge to myself which was a pleasant surprise then I was well down the mountain before I started meeting or hearing other hikers. This climb checked off day #236 of 366 of my 4K peak/ day challenge.
Next I headed back down Rt 47 to the Panther TH. A DEC work crew was just finishing loading up their skid-turn tractor and roller after filling in the trench that develops between the road and the PA. I chatted with the two guys while eating my lunch and drinking a hot beverage. On my way out to Panther I decided to wander off the trail to visit the actual summit of Giant Ledge then return to the trail beyond the ledges. Again I had the summit to myself and as a bonus continued onto the next small view before heading back. I didn’t see any other hikers until I was beyond Giant Ledge and getting ..." — Nimblefoot • Nov 15, 2024
"An out and back hike of the Burroughs range with Mimi out of the Slide Mtn TH. Nice casual pace with plenty of chit chat equals long day. Pleasantly cool day that was mostly cloudy. Fortunately clear sky and sunny when we reached Wittenberg for our half hour lunch break.
" — Nimblefoot • Oct 28, 2024

"Nice moderate range in the Catskills. Very good trail conditions and the way up Slide is super easy. Hikes out and back from Slide Mt. Trailhead. Slide Crack and Cornell Crack are not difficult. Wittenberg has the best views of the three. Took me 6 hours." — elimihuta • Oct 12, 2024
"Traverse of the Burroughs range from Slide Mtn TH to Woodland Valley TH with Tom R. and Susan. We are still spoiled with warm temps at home( 60’s-70’s) so it was a pleasant surprise to experience more seasonal temps in the “mountains” of 40’s with cooling breezes. Makes everyone start to think about adding hats/gloves and extra layers to their packs or at least in the car. Today we were like “lizards” embracing the bright sunshine for warmth, felt so good, rather than dreading the heat and excessive sweating.
An interesting question was posed by a young woman who arrived at the summit of Witt while we were enjoying our lunch in the sun with the panoramic view. “Would we like a Polaroid photo taken of us”. At first we were a little dumbfounded as the word “Polaroid” is no longer frequently heard but after a short pause we responded with a resounding “Sure”. So we posed, with Susan in the middle, looking very happy as she focused and pushed the button. Minutes later it was like we opened a time capsule as our image slowly appeared bringing back memories of 70’s/80’s(?). They allowed me to keep the photo as a memory of this day as my hiking in the Catskills will become infrequent ..." — Nimblefoot • Oct 9, 2024

"Perfect day for my last 4000 footer climb in N.Y. state, trail was a continuous up with many changes in terrain. Not much of a view from summit but a great vantage view point just below summit. Perfect day with perfect company " — ramjet1963 • Sep 27, 2024
"Out getting two onesies of Panther and Slide again taking a break from working on the house. Panther for 35R Everyday(round#2-#283/366) and Slide for 4K peak/day(#234/366) but also catching Slide mtn. up to Hunter mtn. with 75 “known” ascents. Additionally first two peaks in a single-season Fall round.
A very overcast day that gradually changed over to a blueish day with clouds while on Panther then the clouds slowly came back together as a climbed Slide. Still got a decent view off of the open ledge beyond the summit of Slide.
Wanted to finish my day with a climb of Red Hill, completing another round of the Fire Tower Callenge. But I needed to drive home in the opposite direction to shop at Fruition Chocolate in Shokan on my way to Kingston. Wanted to purchase some high end chocolate bars and truffles for my wife for our recent anniversary. Ironically I stopped at Olives Country store to pickup some rehydration bevs and cheap chocolate(snickers!) right beforehand." — Nimblefoot • Sep 27, 2024
"Traverse of the Burroughs range from Slide TH to Woodland Valley with the Two Toms, Susan, Lori and Rebecca. Lori completed her 2nd Catskill Grid on Slide, receiving a nice certificate and patch, so we celebrated with Yodels and Fireball. Over on Wittenberg during our lunch break Rebecca and I were presented with our triangular patches for completing a single season summer, her 2nd and my 1st and only as summer is ending soon. Very few folks out on such a lovely day." — Nimblefoot • Sep 18, 2024
"Met Tom M. at the TH for Panther at 7:30am to find the lot almost full and some cars parked along the road prior to the lot….surprise! Then I realized it was a weekend day, especially for those that work, so most of the cars were from overnighters. All the way in and across Giant Ledge we met backpackers coming out, most were noobs with shiny new gear “dangling” off their packs and looking a bit famished. After tagging the summit of Panther, with its view growing in rapidly, we were on our way back up to Giant Ledge when we got some bad news. Our little buddy, Itty Bitty, an 83 yo dynamo did not return home last night after a solo hike of Big Indian and Fir. Rangers were searching all night for her. Fortunately we had service, though quite spotty, so we spent a half hour at one of the ledges trying to find out more and to get phone #s to Tom’s wife Anna who would make critical phone calls with better service. Additionally we reached out to our friends in the Catskill SAR team, who were pulled in for more searching this AM, to find out more and to give a clearer picture of where she might be knowing her habits. Fortunately we got the message that she was found safe and healthy, walk..." — Nimblefoot • Sep 15, 2024
"Tom R. led a Burroughs range traverse from Slide mtn Th to Woodland Valley TH. Also on the the hike was Rebecca, Susan and Susan’s friend Nancy from Westchester County.
Nice temps with enough cloud cover to filter the bright sun and some breezes to cool us off from time to time. Unfortunately the temps were warm enough and the breezes too sporadic to keep the bugs at bay. The three ladies were applying repellent all day long and were still bothered. All the blowdowns from the Spring storms were all cut out or removed…yay!…so clear sailing across the range." — Nimblefoot • Jun 4, 2024