1,120 ft / 341 m
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"Attempted to climb Mack Mountain. Unfortunately, it seems other hikers/ATVs/snowmobile abused the private trail to the summit, and the owner has closed it to public access except by permission only. I parked on Barn Door Gap Rd. at the entrance to the access road that connects Barn Door Gap Rd. to Second Crown Point Rd. Lots of trails branch off this access road and seem great for ATVs or mountain bikes. Please note that wheeled vehicles are not allowed to use the access road between March and May. Will attempt to find a public trail on my next attempt that reaches the summit.
Climbed Sander's Ledge on the way back since it was close and short. " — FL2NH • Jun 18, 2020

"Beautiful day. Short walk to the ledge for some great views and some bouldering. Went a mile back up Barn Door Gap Road and hiked down to Little Niagra Falls, a wonderfully nice small waterfall. Yellow flies and horse flies were numerous. " — FL2NH • Jun 14, 2020

"Hiked Sanders Ledge via the trail off of Barn Door Gap Rd. The trailhead is directly across from a pond near the end of Barn Door Gap Rd. The land appears to be held in public conservation owned by the Blue Hills Foundation Lands. There were no "no trespassing" signs at the entrance for on the trail. The hike up to the ledge is quite short. There and back from the ledge is about a quarter-mile. The view from the ledge is fantastic with views of Parker Mountain, Portsmouth, and Blue Job Mountain. Near the end of the ledge is a great bouldering spot with plenty of holds and a level, flat, and clear ground to drop on or put mats. The path to Sanders Peak is not clear and must be bushwacked in places. To get there, follow the ledge to the end and turn left to head down the ledge toward the peak. You will pass a small pond/puddle then go up and over two rocky knolls that look like it may be the peak then up the last incline to the peak. There will be a large boulder that I think is the highest point. " — FL2NH • Jun 7, 2020