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"From the top of Falacosa rather than heading straight to this from the west, I decided to follow a track through the forest, imagining it might provide a sort of scenic touristy route to San Nicola. After walking north to the Selva dei Principe, I established that it probably didn't, so I headed back. I did see some interesting square stone markers dated 1886, and numbered and lettered (I spotted four in all) up there along the path though, which made it worthwhile. I traipsed roughly SW and got to San Nicola, a little more undergrowth underfoot, but a couple of paths. There are two candidates for the highest point, the more northern a rocky and mossy area, cordoned off by barbed wire, the second, more open. From here I headed south, through forest mixed of oak, beech, sycamore and the occasional chestnut. However, I found another track heading down, which I felt was going too far east, so I headed off it, but later established this would most likely have taken me back to the car, so I did a larger loop than was necessary, and had a few pangs of anxiety (more remembering previous instances of getting lost) because the map does not really show the more complex contours of the actual..." — vygodski • Nov 8, 2024