1,293 ft / 394 m
9 climbs • 2.6 mi • 661 ft gain • 1 hr 31 min
1 climb • 3.3 mi • 652 ft gain • 1 hr 11 min
Latest climbs

"Started out late late late. Like 09:15 on trail late. After a seven day stretch of getting up at 03:40, I guess I needed the sleep.
One fellow in a pickup truck in the very small parking area when I arrived, I assume he had finished the hike as I did not see him again.
The first half mile of the trail is very wide & mostly packed dirt with few rocks - no elevation to speak of. I was surprised to see the trail blanketed in fallen leaves already, & there were some hidden hazards under the leaves, an unexpected root, a rock, etc.
After the green trail sign to bear left toward Rattlesnake, the trail narrowed & became rockier and the uphill began - everything was very easily navigable, no large boulder steps. The uphill was relatively mild. This trail is on private land, and the landowner has it nicely labeled with arrow markers to keep you on course, though I did notice many offshoot herd paths nearer the top.
The trail was well setup and packed down, but I imagine in the rain or just after it, it would be very muddy.
Nice view at the top albeit very cloudy today, a couple and their dog joined me on the summit when I was about halfway through my beer for a few minut..." — kellieirene • Oct 6, 2023

"GPS took us to private land; they kindly directed us to the public trailhead. Climbed with Becca, Deborah, and Jayden before heading to Willsboro. Climbed the small boulder at the summit." — mikebenjamin • Jul 28, 2023

"small early am hike with audrey/abby and daisy. had a muzzled dog try to take a bite out of my ass. the owner couldnt control the dog but thank god he put a muzzle on him.
" — dennis-van-amburgh • May 21, 2023

"Beautiful day climbing the lesser traveled trails! perfect weather ,perfect trails with an amazing view across Lake Champlain overlooking the High Peaks in Vermont, No blackflies as of yet , go getter" — ramjet1963 • Apr 21, 2023

"Finally some nice weather. Deb and I decided to do a couple of short scenic hikes today, Rattlesnake and Owls Head were just what we wanted.
Quick hikes plus an enjoyable drive, a little work and great views on both." — hbotc • Apr 2, 2017

"I've hiked this one many times. It's a great story hike for kids to give them a taste of hiking or a "warm up" hike. I've taken my 3-legged Boston up many times. Only downside to this beautiful little hike is that it's loaded with ticks. Make sure you take precautions. " — psychobettie77 • Sep 29, 2015