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"This thing was difficult! No wonder people don't climb it too often. The ascent leads up a difficult class 3 ridge (not too exposed, W) with tons of loose rocks that will fly off the mountain with a single movement. The final pitch (probably last 100 feet) to the summit is class 4 with a lot of exposure from the west ridge to the peak with loose boulders to grab on to, almost died because a rock the size of a mini fridge almost came out of the face on me which would've sent me falling a couple hundred feet... Just before the summit is a notch shaped cut out in the mountain and it is easier to not climb down the apex of the notch but instead down climb and traverse that area to the north side of the mountain (visible near the top of my photo). Downclimbing the notch is pretty steep and looked like a steep class 4 slab to me. There you may have to cross a small snow patch at a very steep angle (google earth said 68% slope) be careful or else there will be major problems with exposure of hundreds of feet. Then proceed to climb up to the peak from north side. Extremely sketchy and your knees and ankles will be nonexistent after this summit. Also look forward to a .8 mile scree/Boulder..." — brianschmidt • Jul 1, 2015