3,480 ft / 1,061 m
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"Did the Triple Biscuit from the Biscuit Brook PA. It’s a loop of South Doubletop, Big Indian and Fir for a total of 11.8 miles mostly off trail. Once past the Frost Valley YMCA property line we jump off the P-W trail and whack over and up to the southern ridge of S-DT crossing both Biscuit and Pigeon brooks. Scamper up the ridge then ascend three steep pitches to the little summit bump.
Today with deeper snow, overnight snowstorm, and chilly temps(single digits) it was tough slog. The powdery snow being more slip than grip added to it on the steep ascents where it’s two steps forward then one step back. Danielle had had enough with S-DT, bailing on BI and Fir, and simply returning on our track. Tom, Mimi and I pushed on taking three hours to get over to the P-W trail ascending Pigeon Peak along the way. A short ways up the trail we meet two guys coming towards us. They did Fir and Big Indian from the same PA hiking in the opposite direction. Wow fantastic, now we have a fresh track to follow to complete our loop saving time and more importantly energy. They didn’t stick to the usual herd paths so their track was a bit longer and more serpentine across the two peaks and down to ..." — Nimblefoot • Jan 20, 2025
"The two Tom’s and I did the infamous Biscuits and Gravy hike of Hikers Anonymous. This time we changed the start point from Burnham Hollow PA to Maben Hollow road. We parked right at the beginning of the road, off Rt 47, in a spot on the left side that would hold two or three cars. After saying Good Morning to a gentleman who was just coming back from a dog walk we sauntered down the dirt road passed the gentleman’s house then straight onto an old woods road. For some reason there was a chain across the road and the easement sign was missing, most likely more hikers are using this approach to Fir and the locals are noticing.
Nav is straight forward, follow the road then up top begin to “bend” to your left eventually hitting one of the numerous herd paths. The saunter over to Big Indian is quite easy with the numerous herd paths. Tom R. was setting a blistering hiking pace so we were over to the canister in short order. Next Tom M. led the whack from the can on BI to the P-W trail then straight onto the herd path towards S-DT climbing Pigeon Peak on the way. Just over 3hrs for the round trip to the Doubletop alternative…ugh!
Back on the P-W trail now it’s a straightforward sau..." — Nimblefoot • Aug 5, 2024
"Eight of us started out from the Burnham Hollow TH around 5:45 to do a Biscuits and Gravy hike. A traverse of Fir, Big Indian, Eagle and Balsam with an out and back to South Doubletop between Big Indian and Eagle. Susan opted out of doing S-DT so as to not over stress her recent knee replacement. After getting to the summit of S-DT Mimi treated us to one homemade Kimchi pancake then at the canister on Eagle we got another one or two pancakes. With the nearly 4 hr out and back whack to S-DT behind us the trail miles went by quicker and easier. At the summit obelisk rock on Balsam, our final peak, Victoria and Rick completed their Spring round of the 35 thereby earning their 4-in-a-Row patch from Hikers Anonymous ( 4 single season rounds in a row)." — Nimblefoot • Jun 10, 2024
"Six of us did the triple biscuit out of the Biscuit Brook PA. Starting with a hike on the P-W trail to the jump off point for a whack to South Doubletop followed by a whack up and over Pigeon Peak to reach the P-W trail again. Short hike north to pickup the herd path leading to the canister on Big Indian then herd path all the way to the canister on Fir and down to the P-W trail. Finally a 2+ mile hike out to the cars. Nice day of 6+ hours of bushwhacking and trail hiking, everyone was still jubilant at hikes end. Morning temp of 35* quickly rose into the 50’s." — Nimblefoot • May 13, 2024
"Six of us started on the infamous triple biscuit loop out of the Biscuit Brook TH. A long slog up to S-DT, with two Brook crossings, wearing micro spikes and carrying our snowshoes. Before the final series of climbs four decided to switch to snowshoes with the snow getting deeper. Mimi and I stayed with the spikes to be more lighter and nimble of foot. While they switch foot gear I broke trail up to the summit allowing them easier navigation.
After a quick break we descended down a few levels to begin our traverse to Pigeon Peak and onto the P-W trail. At this point Susan called it a day, tiring already, and took the trail back to the TH. Now the five of us had a short stroll to the herd path up to Big Indian to find our first canister of the day.
To get to Fir we simply followed the tracks from a friend of ours(Maple) who did a different hike out of Biscuit Brook TH. Somehow we managed to get onto some other set of tracks that wandered around a lot but at least got us to our third and final peak.
Much more traffic up to Fir, in recent days including today, so we had a nice winter “sidewalk” down off of Fir back to the P-W trail. Didn’t take long for the snow to thin out with..." — Nimblefoot • Feb 19, 2024
"Original plan was to do the triple biscuit, loop of S-DT, Big Indian & Fir, from the Biscuit Brook TH. The recent snowstorm spoiled my plans with just enough snow to make things tricky especially where there was ice under the snow. The depth was not enough for snowshoes, too clumsy with microspikes so it was basically bare boots all day. With poor navigation, off my game, and slower pace I only got S-DT then the mighty Pigeon Peak followed by the long slog out the P-W trail to the car. With the trail unbroken and numerous trees weighed down with snow I was glad to have daylight.
" — Nimblefoot • Jan 30, 2024
"Did a triple biscuit with Mimi, Rebecca, Tom, Carl and Romas. Loop of S-DT, Big Indian and Fir out of Biscuit Brook PA. Still no real snow only a dusting here and there with the occasional patch of ice. Within the first hour Mimi fell into some deep water while attempting to cross Pigeon Brook on our way to S-DT. She changed into dry socks and I gave her my gore-tex pants to wear as her pants were totally soaked. The climb to S-DT helped her to dry out her upper layers while she got re-warmed from the effort. Fortunately the temps were not overly cold and there was no wind." — Nimblefoot • Dec 23, 2023
"Mimi and I did the Triple Biscuit- South DT/ Big Indian / Fir- for the Fall single season patch. The three peaks also filled some holes in the month of November of my 5th grid. We climbed up Pigeon Peak on our way over to the P-W trail from S-DT. A few snowflakes fell in the morning otherwise a cool day with the sun playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds. With our slower than normal pace and numerous rest breaks we finished in the dark trying to use our night-eyes to follow the trail but finally succumb to the use of headlamps for the last 10 minutes." — Nimblefoot • Nov 11, 2023
"Triple Biscuit on a wet day with on/off showers. Loop of South Doubletop, Pigeon, Big Indian and Fir mountain out of Biscuit Brook PA. We managed to get a summit of S-DT in while the rain took a hiatus then on our traverse over to the P-W trail the showers returned for the remainder of the day. After a wet whack over Pigeon peak hitting the trail and having herd paths for the rest of the loop was a nice change for ease of travel and less wetting from the foliage. Not surprising the only other hikers seen all day were two guys with a small dog having lunch on the herd path up to Big Indian who did a twosie of BI and Fir then planning to do Halcott to finish the day." — Nimblefoot • Apr 30, 2023
"Peter, Miyon, Mimi, Francine and I doing the ever popular triple biscuit loop out of Biscuit Brook PA. A winter storm blew in Friday night into early Saturday AM giving us a bit of a “white knuckle” drive to the PA as Rt 28 was not fully plowed then Rt 47 was worse. Fortunately at the 6AM hour there were very few cars on the road.
Doing it clockwise by whacking off the P-W trail just beyond the Frost Valley property line to S-DT then over Pigeon peak on our way over to the P-W trail. Up to Big Indian over to Fir then back down to the P-W and out to the cars. Breaking or re-breaking the trail or track most of the day. Fortunately a couple broke out a track up the herd path to BI right before our arrival then we teamed up for the stroll over to Fir.
Somewhat fortunately some hikers “bare booted “ Fir from Biscuit Brook during the day but didn’t follow the herd path very well or at all. Their track was hard to walk on with snowshoes for most of our crew so we just used it as a hand rail and made a new track too tired to constantly find the usual HP.
A nearly 12 hour extravaganza with the new snow and no reasonable bushwhack tracks that we normally would expect. The fresh fluff was..." — Nimblefoot • Mar 11, 2023