3,843 ft / 1,171 m
Most climbed route
23 climbs • 8.6 mi • 2,602 ft gain • 6 hr 12 min
2 climbs • 11.0 mi • 1,326 ft gain • 6 hr 12 min
Latest climbs
"Did the Catskill Six from Moonhaw to Peekamoose with Tom2, Mimi, Susan and Lori. Wore micro spikes to Lone mountain, peak #4, then switched to snowshoes to get over Table and Peekamoose. At the view on Peek we switched back to spikes though ‘shoes would have been better as we hit many deep drifts. As we neared Reconnoiter Rock spikes were fine until the snow thinned so bare boots were more comfortable with the rocks.
Tom led initially toward Friday then Lori took over to do a new shortcut linking the two herd paths. She continued with the nav and trail breaking duties over to Table. Tom and I led others down off of Peek which was initially quite challenging with many drifts, fading light and the trail unbroken. Long fun day with good friends, just shy of a 12 hr saunter." — Nimblefoot • Jan 13, 2025
"Nice warm day to do the Catskill “6” with Tom R., Susan, Lori and Mimi. After meeting at the Peekamoose TH at 6:30am I drove us all back to Moonhaw PA to begin our saunter back to Peekamoose mountain. Mid week hike so we didn’t see a soul. Herd paths are getting more numerous and easier to follow without any Nav device. Always a pleasure to just engage in the Art of bushwhacking, observing the land, rather than the Science of staring at a track on a phone and following the progress of a blue dot.
No headlamps were harmed on this venture as we managed to reach Peekamoose road shortly after 4pm despite numerous summit stops to enjoy treats and bevs. Low clouds obscured many of normally great views so we fully appreciated the ones we did get. T shirts and shorts in November…..very nice!" — Nimblefoot • Nov 6, 2024
"Did the Catskill “6” as a loop starting and ending at Denning TH. Used the Fisherman’s Path to get out to a jump off point to whack up to the canister on Friday. From there it was all herd paths acrossed the next three peaks, Balsam Cap/Rocky/Lone, to get to the Peek-Table trail. A quick out and back to Peekamoose then onto Table. Now it’s all downhill to the Neversink, with a few small ups, and out to the car for an 8hr saunter.
Met a bunch of friends in the PA who were doing the Denning 4 of Rocky, Lone, Peek and Table, and started right after me. They took the same route as I only to jump off the Fisherman’s Path earlier. Surprisingly I caught up to them on Rocky, their first peak and my 3rd, as they took a more casual pace. After a bit of chit chat I headed off for Lone just ahead of them and never saw them again despite taking a 25 min break at the Lone canister for lunch and let them catch up." — Nimblefoot • Oct 3, 2024
"Seven of us met at the Peekamoose TH then shuttled to Moonhaw TH to hike the classic Catskill “6”. A nice warm spring day with the wildflowers blooming that included two special occurrences, one fortunate and one not so.
The ascents of Friday and Balsam Cap went as usual. We found some new blowdown on Friday which we were able to go around easily. Then we took the old high route shortcut toward BC so some folks could visit a nice view south, for the first time, that is not known as well as the one near the herd path.
Between BC and Rocky, down along the flat stretch where you find numerous old fire rings, our good friend Sherri (aka Mixed Nuts ) suddenly shows up. She made a last minute decision to join us so had to play catchup by heading straight to BC and skipping Friday. Now her jubilant personality adds more excitement to our jubilant group.
Lunch stop at the canister on the summit of Rocky before we engage in the second and easier half of the traverse. Early on our decent off of Rocky, on a herd path toward Lone, Richard our leader of the day takes an awkward twisting slip/fall landing hard on some roots and rocks. After a few minutes to let the adrenaline subside he tri..." — Nimblefoot • May 2, 2024
"Six of us enjoyed a nice saunter of The 6 from Moonhaw road to Peekamoose road. We heard that the crossing was quite doable without snowshoes so we left them in our cars and carried only micro spikes. Started off with bare ground then along the woods road snow/ice began to accumulate and become steady coverage. On the last pitch up to The Couch on the ridge we put on the spikes to avoid slipping and wasting energy. The spikes stayed on until Reconnoiter Rock on the far side of Peekamoose were encountered bare ground again.
We ran into two solo hikers one between Friday and Balsam Cap who was the 6 as an out and back from Moonhaw, an ambitious hike of 23 miles. The other we met on our way up Rocky and he was doing the 9 for the first time, starting from Peekamoose road.
A nice sunny warm day that made the snow soft but not sticky." — Nimblefoot • Feb 26, 2024
"Joined Richard, Victoria and husband Rick and Sherri for a traverse of the bushwhack range from Moonhaw Rd to Peekamoose Rd. Nice Fall day with sun and minimal wind. The seasonal temps, though normal, were cooler than we are used to at home and kept us moving all day long. Only met two other hikers on Rocky while we were engaged in having our lunch break." — Nimblefoot • Nov 8, 2023
"Did The Six with Richard, Donna and Mimi from Peekamoose road to Moonhaw road. Nice cool day with a good breeze on or near the summits made the day feel more like early Fall rather than August." — Nimblefoot • Aug 19, 2023

"It was drizzling lightly at the Denning Road trailhead. Another fella left around the same time as me (i saw him while i was still climbing and he was on his way down)
The rain became torrential at the summit. From Table, I continued on to peekamoose. I balked momentarily at the rocky up/down col to the peak,and the now driving rain, but i pressed on and made the summit of peekamoose - even walked past it f a few yards.
It was super windy at the peak and somewhat creepy with the howling wind and the fog.
I made it down and back to the trailhead without and problems." — HeyJoe • Jun 14, 2023
"Did the Denning 4 of Rocky through Table mountains. With a late start of after 10am I shrunk the Denning 6 down to a four. The forecast was for full sun but the day turned out to be mostly cloudy all day which kept any warm temps at bay. Found a green Osprey pack cover on my way up to the Peek-Table trail from Lone then fortunately I found its owner in the Denning parking lot. A friend of mine happened to do the “9” in the opposite direction as I did the four so she was a happy camper at the end of her long day." — Nimblefoot • Jun 13, 2023
"Peter, Mimi, Barbara and I engaged in a traverse of the Six from Moonhaw Rd to Peekamoose Rd. Beautiful day but didn’t encounter another soul, nor the Easter bunny, until more than half way down from Peekamoose where we passed a couple with two dogs heading out. Snow rapidly disappearing, remaining 6” mostly above 3500’ and between peaks." — Nimblefoot • Apr 9, 2023