4,109 ft / 1,252 m
2 climbs • 1.7 mi • 738 ft gain • 1 hr 27 min
1 climb • 2.2 mi • 758 ft gain • 1 hr 24 min
1 climb • 3.0 mi • 702 ft gain • 1 hr 9 min
1 climb • 10.2 mi • 1,394 ft gain • 6 hr 25 min
1 climb • 2.2 mi • 704 ft gain • 1 hr 38 min
Latest climbs

"4.16.2021~7 peak day. 1st 4 before getting my kids from school, last 3 after school~4,109’, 4,036’, Blue Diamond ll, 4,008’, Flowered Peak, 4,160’ & 3511’~11 miles, 2,500’ gain, 4:22hrs. I felt like a Peak hoarder. I jogged and scampered on trails and ridges in the warm sun. Fun day. " — paula.raimondi • Apr 16, 2021

"After a tough day in Red Rock yesterday, we wanted something a little easier. I found a group of 5 smaller summits that none of us had done close to town and we decided to try to knock them all out. We parked on the side of the road and headed straight up the south slope of Lawnmower, just west of the cliff band. From there, we hiked across the easy east/west ridge to Hole-in-the-Top. We debated hiking across the highway to do Trident and Lizard Pass Point as one big loop hike, but traffic was steady and we'd have to cross over a large center berm twice to do so, so we opted to hike back to the car, then drive to a place where we could make a u-turn, placing us on the correct side of the road. We parked on the side of the road at a place between Trident & Lizard Pass Point and made our way up to the low saddle between them. We followed the west ridge up to Lizard Pass Point first, then descended back to the saddle and followed the ridge up to Trident. We took another ridge back down to the car. Once back at the car, we drove to the small community of Blue Diamond and followed some game trails up to Peak 4109. We saw several burros on the way up and down. I took a slightl..." — Kevin • Nov 19, 2017