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"As far as I can determine, Pawnee Mound is the 7th highest named summit in Kansas. My son, Marshall, and I accessed the mound from the west on a farm road that was not in very good shape, but my 1991 Ford Festiva was able to straddle the road ruts and reach a spot just a few dozen feet south of the summit. The topo map indicates two small circles of 3000-foot contour lines, but the summit area all appeared to be the same elevation among desert vegetation with many Yucca plants. There was a low electric fence that had to be crossed in order to reach the summit. The summit provided a good view of the surrounding flat Kansas prairie along with one small lone tree clinging to life on the south side of the access road near the top that might be used as a landmark if you decide to visit this high point someday." — Stewy • Mar 23, 2014