13,138 ft / 4,004 m
Most climbed route
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"Amazing trip back into the most remote part of the IPW to some seldom climbed peaks! We parked at the Middle St Vrain TH, hiked in ~ 8 miles to our campsite right below Elk Tooth along the St Vrain Glacier trail and took a jaunt up to Lake Gibraltar after setting up the tents. After a decent night sleep we woke up at 4AM, cooked some breakfast and hit the best-looking SW gully. Definite sketch scree at points, but enough fun class 3-4 scrambles to make up for it. Once we hit the ridge it was an awesome traverse over to Ogallala from the summit of Elk Tooth, though once at the saddle we had to downclimb a bit and then make some more sketch scramble moves to gain the second summit. We picked the best route we could find, which was a ski gully. Not a great descent! Had one or two scary scree slides and some rough downclimbing, but we made it. 21 miles and 5K gain when it was all said and done. The Indian Peaks never disappoint!" — LGH-Dan • Aug 8, 2021

"It was another perfect September day in Colorado, and I needed every minute of it.
I started from the Wild Basin trailhead and made my way up to Pippit Lake.
From Pippit I turned South and ascended the slope to Ouzel Peak.
I continued South to Ogalalla Peak, summited, and returned the way I came." — WaxDr • Sep 18, 2014