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"The Pouakai summit was part of a 3 day 2 night hike we did with 2 adults and 4 kids (aged 9-11).
Day 1 We headed to the Holly hut via the holly hut track which took 4hrs 5mins in " - Pouakai, loganscott, Dec 23, 2024
"My son(10yrs) and I climbed up the Northern summit route heading off early in the morning 6.15am and summiting by Noon. We took longer than expect to descend but made it home by 6p" - Mount Taranaki, loganscott, Dec 28, 2023
"Travelled from Pouakai hut to North Egmont on Kaiauai track, initially gale force winds and low visibility. We were relatively sheltered from the wind on the way up Henry, but very" - Henry Peak, jojo11, Apr 25, 2023
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