10,751 ft / 3,277 m
Most climbed route
5 climbs • 3.6 mi • 2,382 ft gain • 3 hr 55 min
3 climbs • 5.1 mi • 2,598 ft gain • 7 hr 21 min
3 climbs • 3.3 mi • 2,360 ft gain • 3 hr 25 min
1 climb • 9.7 mi • 4,278 ft gain • 12 hr 39 min
1 climb • 17.0 mi • 3,005 ft gain • 11 hr 1 min
1 climb • 5.7 mi • 3,812 ft gain • 9 hr 21 min
1 climb • 6.8 mi • 675 ft gain • 3 hr 16 min
1 climb • 7.8 mi • 2,451 ft gain • 9 hr 0 min
1 climb • 8.1 mi • 4,525 ft gain • 10 hr 52 min
1 climb • 8.8 mi • 3,043 ft gain • 7 hr 31 min
1 climb • 8.9 mi • 4,211 ft gain • 7 hr 5 min
Latest climbs

"Lots of elevation gain in a short distance, the first half isn't bad. Once on the headwall there was some ice/snowpack on a steep grades so I used a rock to carve out steps in between Rocky patches. The rest of Mummy mountain looked a bit sketchy for a winter ascent. I'll definitely bring a ice tool and yaktrax until temps warm up. " — MikeERodriguez • Jan 21, 2025

"8.27.24~Mummy Head to Toe Traverse, solo. 3rd solo lifetime. Mummy Nose, Forehead, Chin, Tummy & Toe. 9 miles, 5,000’ gain (give or take) in 7:31hrs. Wasn’t my fasted nor my slowest. I haven't done this in 4 years. Weather was perfect though some sections were warm. My route finding was good. Some scary sections were not as bad as I remember but other sections I don’t remember being bad seemed scary. Today was my 1st time going up the creepy Zebra striped rock climb when heading from Chin to Tummy. I usually take the narrow dry-fall chasm across from it. Doing this alone is a mind fuck but I kept my composure all day. It was completely exhausting especially the 14 jumping splits outtakes on Mummy Tummy. I drank 3-17oz bottles of water, 24 oz of Gatorade. One PB&J and half a burrito. Great day." — paula.raimondi • Aug 27, 2024

"This route is a very advanced scrambling route that will require knowledge of what it is like to climb on the Mt. Charleston rock. The track that is attached to this trip report is a much improved route from the the track that is posted as the original route. It has one section that is a Class 4 climb....but, remember it's a Class 4 on Mt. Charleston rock. Please, if you choose to follow this track, be sure that you are comfortable with exposure, class 4 climbing on potentially crumbly rock and walking exposed ledges that could have loose rocks on them. If you decide not to do the wall climbs after the slab, exit to the north along the wall on top of the slab. When you get to the end of the wall, go around it and there is a use trail that will lead you up to the peak. Be safe! Have fun! " — Heartattackbruce • Jul 14, 2024

"Another warm day in Charleston. 73° at the cars (8kft) at the start and 85° at the return. Some good cloud cover kept us cool.
Unfortunately forgot to start the tracker on this one, but the route is out & back. True start was 7:37am." — DudeAlmighty • Jul 11, 2024

"This route, modified Mummy Head to Toe, has seven registers to sign on it. The one that is not listed is Mummy Vista, just before Forehead. The Nostril route to the Nose is fun, challenging and time consuming. It can add about an hour to the overall time. You will gain nearly 1250 feet in the last 1/2 mile up to the the Nose. A lot of this route is for advanced scramblers only. You will be climbing walls and traversing a knife-edge. There are sections where you will be hundreds of feet up on the knife edge and it will be less than 2 feet wide....and crumbly. Yes, it will give you the adrenaline rush that you may be looking for. Be prepared for a 9-11 hour day to safely cover the 9.25 miles and 4700 feet of elevation gain. Over 50% of the gain is on the 1.5 mile approach to the Nose. This route is highly modified from the "standard" route that is known as Mummy Head to Toe. " — Heartattackbruce • Jul 29, 2023

"Cleaned out the loose rock on the climbing section of the Nostril Route. This route is my favorite. If you use it, be prepared for a long, steep slab (picture) and a class 4 climb with a class 5 move just below the peak. Make sure that people are clear of the rock fall zone on the final wall ascent. " — Heartattackbruce • Jul 27, 2023

"Finally felt like the snow has melted enough for the mummy traverse . I was 95% right , coming down mummy you can slide like 2-300 ft down through snow . I can’t imagine that snow is going anywhere anytime soon either , banks were still 6+ ft high I only brought 1L of water and was able to fill it up a couple times there are some real nice water sources along the way. Spooky corner is tame, coming down the forehead was the only real place I needed a couple minutes to figure out what to do , everything else was straightforward enough . More annoying steep sidehilling than I thought after the chin going to the tummy, but overall it was a good route . I rode my bike back to make it a loop. Also I’m no anatomy expert but why is the nose before the forehead ? " — joshortman • Jul 3, 2023

"Mummy Head Loop! We rolled the dice on the weather and came up lucky. Some models were predicting storms to start as early as 12pm. I had some slower folk on this group hike so we had a nice long day with lots of laughter sweat & tears. Amazing sense of accomplishment. " — DudeAlmighty • Jul 28, 2022

"Summit via the Nostril route from the east. Second time on this modified route and it is now one of my favorites. Cleaned out the last climb so that there is less chance of rock fall. " — Heartattackbruce • May 14, 2022

"First real winter mountaineering experience. Crampons, ice axe, snowshoes, glissading, up a brutally steep canyon in the snow... starting at 3 AM... It was a lot. I did it. But it was a lot. The crust on the snow could not hold my weight + the backpack (or Ken's, for that matter) as compared to our other three hiking companions, so we post-holed a LOT. To the knee, to the thigh, even to the waist. It was exhausting. The climb to the summit itself from the saddle wasn't too bad. Ritch did it all in his crampons. I am still getting used to scrambling and traversing rocks in my mountaineering boots and I don't feel solid with most any of this. But, we did it. I did it. Now to get better. And to get stronger..." — psychikingjes • Mar 19, 2022