2,464 ft / 751 m
- Moxham Mountain Trail is one of the newest Adirondack trails, having been constructed in 2012. It features many scenic overlooks and is built to minimize the 1152' elevation gain.
18 climbs • 6.0 mi • 1,270 ft gain • 3 hr 12 min
3 climbs • 6.1 mi • 1,193 ft gain • 3 hr 34 min
Latest climbs

"Road trip to climb 29er Moxham Mountain @ 1338ft elevation in the Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest N.Y. and checking out Buttermilk Falls with sister 46er Lisa Crandall, relaxed day checking out the smaller views that the Adirondacks has to offer. Perfect day" — ramjet1963 • Apr 16, 2023

"Stunning hike, but it rough going on the second half because my trail buddy had to break trail for the last mile+ If you go in the next few days, give quiet shoutout for M and his hard work! :)" — stacydedring • Mar 18, 2023

"Tom, Black and I left the trailhead @9:15 am with cloudy skies, 6" of fresh snow, and a light breeze at 21 degrees. Wore snowshoes up and down for stability in the fresh snow. Once up on the ridge to the summit the views were great with Hickory Ski Center to the east and Gore Ski Center to the northwest. Summited at 11:15 with breaks in the cloud cover. Returned to the car at 12:45 pm. 5.5 miles in 3.5 hours. First winter hike in snowshoes. Great little hike with good views!" — garyogden • Dec 19, 2021

"This was supposed to be another hiking mates adventure. I chose to meet at the trail head and arrived at the designated time. It was a beautiful spring day, sunny and a little bit cool in the morning. As I sat waiting for the group, the black flies were trying to get into my locked car. I decided to head out alone when they still weren’t there at 940. It’s a really nice easy mostly dirt trail and easy to moderate hike around 5 miles round trip. I did see one snake on the way up. G** d*** snakes. I let out a little scream. This is the down side of hiking alone, in the solitude you hear every little slither. Nice views south and east from the top. Black flies were heavy, but bugs don’t usually bite me for some reason. Ate lunch and hurried down to get to Lake George outlets with time to spare. Saw the hiking mates group 1/3 of the way down, so time wise it worked out OK. Definitely recommend this hike as an early season warm up, for kids, or less able bodied people. " — bethmorgan • May 18, 2019

"Girls Hike! My first hike on snowshoes in a couple of years. We heard that this mountain had great views, unfortunately today the clouds were low and there were none. We still had a great time! 4.6 miles round trip, mostly gentle rolling terrain." — PJSelmer • Feb 3, 2019

"This one has been on my radar for a while, and it didn't disappoint. Easier than I thought, great trail with some amazing views on the way up. Outstanding view of Gore mountain to the South. Flies at the top were ridiculous !!! All in all a brilliant hike, and one of the best bang for buck peaks so far." — HikingViking • Jun 24, 2017

"Solo. Started out around 0930. First impression, signing into the trailhead there was a little birds nest built into the structure that holds the book. So that was adorable. The trail was nice and easy, overall. Very well maintained, not rocky at all, just dirt and roots. It wound pleasantly through the woods without much difficulty in elevation gain, and on the ridge of the mountain leading to the summit, it became a bit rockier but no scrambling or bouldering to be had. I made it to the top in a smidge over an hour. The weather had predicted 70's & sunny, but my entire hike was in the mid 50's and completely hazy. I was totally socked in on the summit & stayed for a bit hoping for the haze to clear, but it never did. Oh well. On the descent I made good time & picked up an abandoned glove next to the trail to deposit next to the birds nest at the trail register. A nice quick hike not too far home. SIDE NOTE APPARENTLY I CAN ADD PHOTOS TO MY LOGS NOW! So look for photos on my older logs, I'll update them! Thanks Peakery for working out the "bugs" !" — kellieirene • May 1, 2017

"The trailhead sign states 2 miles, it is 2.7 miles to the summit. It took me a total of 3 hours with stops and 5.3 miles total. The trail is clearly marked and once you get to the ridge, about half way, the trail lends awesome views all the way to the summit. Only slightly rocky and a few steep spots but very easy. There were couples and younger adults coming up the trail as I was descending, so a popular trail. Highly recommend" — kathyrowney • Oct 31, 2015

"A nice Fathersday hike, I even called my father to wish him one from the summit. This trail is only a couple of years old. Great trail, easy hike with great views of Gore and you can see the Hudson." — hbotc • Jun 15, 2014