4,285 ft / 1,306 m
Most climbed route
- A wooded summit but just south of the summit there's an open ledge with good views of Crawford Notch
- Gets a lot of traffic as one of the 48 New Hampshire 4000 footers
33 climbs • 7.9 mi • 3,404 ft gain
5 climbs • 9.4 mi • 3,347 ft gain • 7 hr 3 min
2 climbs • 11.8 mi • 3,449 ft gain • 8 hr 1 min
Latest climbs

"Bluebird day, relatively low temperates in Crawford Notch which, combined with some wind, made it a little chilly at the base. The trees kept everything at a nice temperature throughout the hike, however. I set off from the Crawford Notch Depot at 9:45am, crossed over the train tracks, and entered the woods on the Avalon Trail. After one stream crossing utilizing a couple of logs as a bridge, the trail splits in two. I took the left path called the Cascade Loop which offers a few views of waterfalls along the Crawford Brook. This path meets back up with the Avalon Trail after about 0.2 miles. This section of the trail is quite moderate, rising about 900 feet in 1.5 miles. There was one stream crossing that required walking through some very shallow water. Luckily it hadn't rained in several days and the water was maybe an inch high, but I can imagine this crossing would be much wetter after precipitation. The Avalon Trail heads off to the left after 1.5 miles and I continued straight onto the A-Z Trail. After a cool stream crossing that was essentially a small bridge over the edge of a ravine, the trail gains elevation quickly, particularly on the final ascent to the ridge. The Mt...." — JCalautti • Aug 30, 2024

"After the viewless, joyless summit of Waumbek, decided to add another of my missing 4000ers to the day. I’m guessing the Kendron Flume trail isn’t the best way up, stick with the AT. The last 1.1 miles to the summit was gnarly — water flowing down over steeeep rocks and slippery roots. Several steps in the ladder section have rotted out. Going down took just as long as going up. 41/48" — scott • Sep 21, 2023

"Embarked from the trailhead at the AMC Highland Center around 7:45 am. Microspikes weren't enough, had to put on snowshoes right away to pack down the freshly coated trail. Steep ascent from the start to hit the first peak (Avalon). A hazy and cloudy morning led to limited views at each of the peaks, albeit plenty of lookouts at each of the summits. The sun came out eventually, but the lower clouds remained all day. After Avalon, we made our way through Field to Willey, back through Field and over to Tom. Plenty of hikers on the trail today, fed a few Gray Jays along the way too. Sliding down the steep parts on the way back to the trailhead made the return easier (and fun). Gained 4200 ft in elevation in 9.9 miles over 7 hours." — gregoryskiba • Jan 22, 2023

"Ladders... some missing steps. Consistent uphill climb. 5.4 miles, and it felt like it was probably the longest hike I have ever done. I would have connected Tom, and Field with it last week....." — Bucky • Aug 24, 2021
"A hike with Molly and Denise for their Grid's. We went up Tom first, then over Field, then Willey. We doubled back over Field, and down the Avalon Tr. I took a butt injury while butt sledding down Avalon Tr. " — newenglandwarrior • Mar 14, 2021
"A Tom, Field, Willey kind of day to help out a couple of friends with their needs. We hiked up Tom first from Crawford Notch, then went over to Field and Willey, then doubled back to Field and down the Mt Avalon Tr. While butt sledding down the Mt Avalon Tr, I hit a tree route, making my butt cheek sore. Not the best day for views but still a good hike. " — newenglandwarrior • Feb 6, 2021
"A nice sunny day in the mountains. Zero degrees at the trailhead but around 20 atop the ridge. But no wind was a really nice deal. Not quite enough snow to wear snowshoes on all the terrain. So some shoes and some spikes. Great views from Willey, Field and Avalon." — Alohabuffy • Dec 19, 2020
"The three of us visited the summits of these three peaks to bring Tom up to 18 of the 48, working his way toward completing the 115. A glorious day despite a low cloud cover, canceling all views, and the occasional light rain. With recent rain and the melting of earlier snowfall the trails were turned into mini-streams and we had numerous little “ponds” to navigate through. Red lined the Kedron Flume and Willey range trails in the process." — Nimblefoot • Oct 20, 2020

"The WTF Hike that included Mt. Avalon! Started up Avalon Trail, summited Avalon and then onto Field. Hiked the Willey Ranger Trail out and back to summit Mt. Willey and then continued from Field over to Tom and out the A-Z Trail. Tom was not very interesting and only worth bagging because it is on the 4Ker list. Field and Willey had some views and Avalon had a very nice view. 9.9 total miles in under 9 hours. 57 degrees at the start and 69 degrees at the finish. Glad we got this one done." — GreggC • Sep 7, 2020

"Couldn't have asked for a better first hiking trip into the Whites. Everything was perfect from the mountains to the weather and especially the company. I will be returning and I will be returning often." — Right-On • Aug 1, 2020