7,530 ft / 2,295 m
9 climbs • 15.4 km • 1,227 m gain
4 climbs • 15.4 km • 1,352 m gain • 9 hr 31 min
1 climb • 16.2 km • 1,495 m gain • 8 hr 51 min
1 climb • 16.7 km • 1,264 m gain • 7 hr 53 min
1 climb • 17.5 km • 1,318 m gain • 10 hr 7 min
1 climb • 19.4 km • 1,348 m gain
1 climb • 16.7 km • 1,208 m gain • 10 hr 22 min
Latest climbs

"Great weather for May Long Weekend, but I didn't want to travel too far from home. The objective was the East Peak of Mt. Wendell, I decided to add Yamnuska on my way out of the valley... It was a beautiful day afterall. All recent snow is gone from the main routes on both mountains, with some remaining after the chains on Yam. The hike approach to Wendell was straight forward, but required some bushwhacking as i kept loosing the trails i was following. The creek was low, so easy enough to hop across a few stones. I didn't go up the ascent gully, but instead bashed scree between slab outcrops. It wasn't too bad... already forgotten. The ridge was easy and longer than i anticipated. There are some great views from up here, considering it's in the front range. All in all, a great day in the mountains." — ivo • May 22, 2022

"Returned after an attempt two days prior to complete unfinished business. This mountain was surprisingly scenic and enjoyable, especially the CMC wall and the upper ridge. I would do again" — yuri • Jan 15, 2022

"Paul and I wanted to get this one done before they close Yamnuska up this summer for 'upgrades'. We started out fairly early and gained the shoulder of Yam quite quickly. There was still a decent amount of snow in the valley so we weren't quite sure where to drop down in. Fortunately, after 5 minutes of bush-wacking we found a nice line of flag tape and the trail became clear. As we came up out the valley we decided to stay higher to have a look at the pinnacles (which are quite cool) and avoid the dreaded scree slope once you turn right and start heading up East Wendell. From that point you break your way through about three rock bands with some slabby scree in between. Once you gain the final ridge its fairly straightforward and the views are nice. There was a fair bit of cornice near the top which made it a bit more precarious. On the way out we went straight down the creamy scree slope to the valley floor. It made it a bit longer but certainly easier on the knees." — danradu • Apr 30, 2021
"Mark and I decided to meet up to tag a peak. We had recently seen that East Peak of Wendell has been ascended, so we decided to tag this one. Up to the Yam shoulder things were going pretty easy. We then postholed until we got to the slopes of Wendell. Grovelled up the scree, and trasversed the ridge to the summit. We also ran into Ian Rankin who was quicker than us. A lot of snow, but a great day." — BertB • Mar 30, 2019

"Joined CORA on meetup. First decent hike of the summer. The hike up the Yamnuska shoulder on both ascent and descent was a pain. No wonder it's not frequented often. The valley between Wendell and Yamnuska is very nice though. Some fun scrambling but the scree on the way up was tiring and rockfall was encountered. scree on the descent was fun however." — MarkJPerkins • May 7, 2016

"Solo. Lost and found the trail a few times, though it's a very good one from Yamnuska parking to a creek.
Initially wanted to do Wendell Mountain as well, but ran out of time and strength. " — alexp • Jul 13, 2014

"Soloed this trip. Combined it with an ascent of the true peak of Wendell (which i don't see on this website.) Not sure why Peakery would only have the East peak (outlier) and not the true peak. Oh well. LONG approach in where u lose a lot of elevation to get to the base of the peak. Scree run down was awesome !" — dkmountainman • May 30, 2012

"Beautiful hot sunny day but a long 13 hour return grind to the summit and back. Went with the Postman who managed to reached the summit an hour ahead of me. Nice views but a bit anticlimatic for all the effort. Still a worthwhile summit." — Mountainman • May 12, 2012

"via CMC Wall climber's descent route to east end of ridge with A. Kane. We called it Mt. Camp Chief Hector due to the numerous register entries from there, before it was known as Wendell." — KrisT • May 8, 1988