4,006 ft / 1,221 m
- Mount Waumbek is part of the Pliny Range of the White Mountains. On some older maps it is known as Pliny Major.
- A colony of gray jays live near the summit year round.
- The Starr King Trail climbs moderately to the summit of Starr King where there used to be a lodge, then to the wooded summit of Waumbek.
100 climbs • 7.4 mi • 4,436 ft gain • 4 hr 26 min
7 climbs • 6.8 mi • 2,650 ft gain • 4 hr 32 min
Latest climbs

"Hiked Up My 4th 52 With A View Mount Star King 3,907ft & Then Hiked Over to My 2nd 4000fter Mount Waumbek 4,006ft In Kilkenny Township, NH!!! :) <3
#NewHampshire " — Rclara9 • Sep 3, 2024
"We could see the sun/cloud line up ahead as we drove north to Jefferson and were happy to park in the sun. 5 minutes up the trail it clouded over and stayed mostly dark and cloudy with some nice wind gusts all day. Had 54 degrees on the summit. No snow and surprisingly, several spring flowers seemed to be fading away. Seemed early." — Alohabuffy • May 24, 2024

"Great to be back in the White Mtns. Still working on the 4000 footers, I started them when I was 10. Ate a dry sandwich on a wet rock on the viewless, joyless summit of Waumbek. 40/48" — scott • Sep 21, 2023
"Well, it finally didn't rain. Still steamy and wet in the woods. Lots of mud and water on the trail, and plenty of ugly clouds. Starr King had some very hungry and plentiful black flies." — Alohabuffy • Jun 30, 2023
"Kept driving north until we found sunshine, in Jefferson. Really nice trip up Waumbek. Excellent packed track for spikes or shoes. Great views from Starr King. And Gray Jays working the summits." — Alohabuffy • Feb 13, 2022
"Pretty busy parking lot for a very cloudy day in December. Lots of people and dogs on the trail today. Nice solid snow bed, easy to do in spikes. Faint outline of the presis from the summit outlook. 35 degs up on top. Three gray jays on Starr King working it. " — Alohabuffy • Dec 12, 2020

"Five star climb! First 4,000er in a year, a little worried but no problems. Left at 0830, hit Starr King at 1030, left Waumbek at 1200, back to trail head at 1420. Met lots of nice people. Say hi to Avery for me!" — NHClimber • Aug 16, 2020
"We were feeling sore from yesterday's hike, but we decided we were feeling good enough to do something mild. So we did Waumbek. We both needed it for our grids. We got a late morning start and it showed in the parking lot. We made decent time heading up, hitting Starr King on the way. We didn't stay long and headed back down. " — newenglandwarrior • Jun 14, 2020

"Hiked Starr King and Waumbek together. Steady hike up to Starr King. Starr King is definitely the gold star in this hike. Waumbek is a check box on a list. Very warm hike as we started with 77 degree temperatures. It was much cooler as we gained elevation. It was 82 at the car when we finished. I slipped on the way down from Starr King and bruised the bottom of my foot. That slowed my progress on the way down. 7.2 mile trip with 7 hours of time to complete. " — GreggC • Jul 20, 2019

"With Kim! 5/48. Continued from Mt Starr King report. After hanging out by the little cairn, we rounded the corner & were met with a big fireplace? Interesting. We continued on through a stellar green pathway with very little gain and a few mucky patches over to this summit. We walked a bit past the summit cairn to try to catch a view, but despite there being no clouds, there was a serious haze over the area. Kim suspects it is smoke being carried on the jet stream over here from the west coast, either way it stunk because it ruined our small window of a view. Despite that, we met a super nice guy named Marty who is working on his 48 now that his kids are college bound & grown, and we chatted with him for quite awhile about hiking & peakbagging & FKT’s, and he also tipped us off that there is an absolutely massive glacial erratic here in the state that we plan to check out tomorrow, because Kim is a huge rock dork. After he headed out we took some photos with the cairn and continued back the way we had come, and met a pair of lovely ladies (one was 59, the other 71!) who were just delightful to talk to, I’m really enjoying all of the older lady hikers here in NH! We made quick work ..." — kellieirene • Aug 24, 2018