14,019 ft / 4,273 m
19 climbs • 2.3 mi • 1,638 ft gain • 3 hr 43 min
Latest climbs

"With Cheri, although she only made it to 13,200. Solo to the summit. Honestly it felt class two the entire way… suffered a bit on the hike back to the car in the rain. Perfect trip. " — bend • Jul 18, 2021

"Long solo day, started from Shepherd Pass Trailhead at 8:30am, summited Tyndall via North Rib around 9pm, bivouac above Shepherd Pass. On the next morning, quickly tagged Monochrome before hiking back down to the trailhead." — danishclimber • Apr 30, 2021

"Day 4/4 in the Shepherd Pass area. It had rained for 2 hours overnight and the wind was gusting at 40 mph in the morning. I got wet filling my bottles when a strong gust blew across the lake. Perhaps against my better judgement, I made an attempt at the peak, mostly thinking how I didn't want to hike up the Shepherd Pass Trail again. I hiked up to the Sierra Crest and right before climbing onto the North Rib, the wind died down. Sensing that I had a window, I climbed as fast and hard as a could, reaching the summit in 1:15 h from camp at the pass. At the summit, the winds started picking up and a few flurries began to fall. I started down after only a few minutes, greatly enjoying the slabby class 3 downclimb on the rib. Back at camp, I packed up and started long hike down the Shepherd Pass Trail to the car, satisfied with a hard and productive 4 days of peak-bagging." — klotito • Sep 4, 2017
"North rib from Shepherd Pass with Matt & Alissa. Backpacked in to Anvil Camp on Friday. Moved camp up to the pass and then climbed the rib from the crest on Saturday. Climb was an incredibly enjoyable easy class 3. Yes, some loose talus, but overall a very fun climb. Bit of snow in the chute to the summit ridge, but avoidable with some slight detours. Williamson West Face route looked gnarly from the summit... saving that one for another day." — edg • Sep 2, 2017
"Spent the previous night at Anvil Camp. Saw a bear just before reaching Anvil, didn't have bear barrels, so one of my buddies got to build us a bear hang. Fun! Anyway, we trudged up Shepherd Pass, which due to the heavy snow year, was still mostly buried in snow. The "trail" there is in shambles. It's basically a scree slog. Topping the pass, you get a beautiful view of Tyndall, and the north rib route is pretty obvious. I would HIGHLY recommend the North Rib to anyone looking for a great scramble. The rock is clean, the angle steep and sustained, but not so much that you would fall to your death. It's textbook Class 3, for 1,500' feet. Lovely. The airy ridge boulder hop to the summit is great. I'm really not sure how much longer the summit block will stay attached to the mountain, though. I crawled up there and sat on it, but couldn't convince myself to stand up. That first step (1,500') is a doozy! Weather in late August was perfect. Probably between 50 and 60 degrees the whole way. Great climbing weather! The GPS track attached is from Anvil camp to the summit. Everything past the top of the pass is cross-country, off-trail." — benjineer • Aug 27, 2017

"We started off at the Shepherd Pass trailhead early on Saturday morning. Made a basecamp near Pot Hole. The next morning headed to Shepherd Pass and ascended via North Rib. The last portion of the Rib was still covered in snow so we cramponed the last 50 ft. Descended along northwest ridgeline to Tyndall West." — seancasserly • Jul 2, 2017

"Did this day 3 on my trip. Day 1 - Shepards Pass. Day 2 - Mt. Williamson. Day 3 - Mt. Tyndall and out. Much easier than I anticipated on the North Rib. Made it up in 1hr 50 and down in 1 hr 45. I stayed "right" until about half way up and then went onto the slabs. I really feel that if you are comfortable on friction slabs this peak is cake. There are even handholds to use quite often! If you shoot too far right like two of our compatriots it becomes quite challenging and intense. My partner and I swung left at the "bump". The bump is a large peaklet at the top of the rib. If you swing left here the climb becomes quite trivial." — Irrationalist • Aug 16, 2015

"Hiked up to 2nd Lake via Shepherd Pass on July 3rd with Amber, Doug & Brenda, then went to bed early. Amber, Brenda & I got up and started hiking to Mount Williamson through Williamson Bowl around 3am via the standard route up the chute/chimney, getting back to camp only moments before a horrible afternoon hailstorm. The next morning, we slept in until 7am, then Amber, Doug & I headed up to Mount Tyndall via the North Rib, again returning to camp a few minutes before a rainstorm. After napping for a few hours, I got up & hiked to Polychrome Peak solo to watch the sunset. We hiked out on July 6th. This was a fun, but tiring holiday weekend!" — Kevin • Jul 5, 2015

"Had a score to settle with this summit after getting stopped on the summit ridge from the NW slopes 2 years ago, not realizing I needed to do a descending traverse over to the N rib. Perfect weather and great views all day. A great way to kick off the start of my alpine season!" — Christopher • Jun 9, 2014

"Followed the north rib from basecamp at Shepherd Pass. Got off-route a bit and ended up in one of the 4th class chutes but was able to traverse across the slabs to the proper class 2 chute. Super fun, loved the scramble up this peak! " — calipidder • Aug 14, 2013