2,582 ft / 787 m
32 climbs • 5.4 mi • 1,283 ft gain • 4 hr 30 min
2 climbs • 5.5 mi • 784 ft gain • 3 hr 26 min
Latest climbs

"Buried a close relative the day before, so I hiked this little 52WAV peak for a little solace. I took my time and stopped to take pictures all the way up. One woman coming down when I was going up said she saw a moose, but I only saw chipmunks." — Big-Time • Sep 25, 2022

"Hiked a loop with Kurt starting by Castle in the clouds. Went up to Roberts and curled around back and across a mostly flat trail. It started out below freezing, but sunny all day, the ground was frozen and there was some light snow on the ground over by Mount Shaw." — mattgardner • Nov 20, 2021

"Hike #3 52 WAV! Started at 9:10 it was 63 degrees sunny and no humidity. Little to no wind. Some breezes were experienced at the view points but it was mostly calm air. Went up Mt. Roberts trail. Stopped at all viewpoints (37 Mins of stopping) arrived at the summit at 12:10. Departed summit at 12:35. All of the good views were on the way up. Although on the summit you could see views of Whiteface, Passaconaway and beyond. Arrived at the Faraway Mt. vista at 2:01. short stop and reached the Faraway Mt. Trail. Took that to Cold Spring and then the top half of Settlement (including the loop) and reached the Whitten Trail at 4:17. Took Whitten tr to the road and marched to the car. Arrived at 4:30 it was 74 degrees sunny and dry conditions. No humidity! Cole made a lot of stops after the summit of Roberts.
" — GreggC • Aug 16, 2021

"Hiked Roberts With Kurt from Castle in the Clouds parking lot. Beautiful fall day. Started out cool, but sunny. Warmed into upper 50’s with a nice warm sun. Ran into Dr. Jen from Crossroads Chiropractic." — mattgardner • Sep 20, 2020

"Gray and windy today with temps at 32 F when starting. Lower trail was dry with a little bit of snow in the woods. Some mud on the trail but very avoidable by stepping around. Above 1800', started to pick up more snow. Above 2200' snow was packed on the trail, a little slippery but honestly didn't need any traction with a little care. Very windy at the summit with temps hovering around 40 F. On the way down, things had warmed up a tad, much of the snow on the trail was melting, took it slow to avoid slipping on muddy/snowy/wet rock. Air was very clear and could see all the way to Mt. Kearsarge from the summit." — rjnick • May 10, 2020

"Kali and I had a great hike up Mt Roberts, in the Castle in the Clouds area overlooking the Lakes Region and Lake Winnipesaukee.
It was a beautiful day and a really nice hike. About 5.5 miles including the road walk from the parking area.
The actual summit has very limited views, even standing on top of the big, wide cairn, but the ledges below are simply breathtaking.
There is also a beautiful little conifer forest, with needled path shortly before the summit if you happen to love those as much as I do.
" — Hufflepuff • Sep 28, 2019

"Blue bird day!! Nice views of Big Moose and The Rock, also others southern 4k's! Amazing views of the Lake Winnepesauke and the Belknap Range, could see up to Ascutney in Vermont as weel as Kearsarge and Cardigans!" — BigTom • Mar 18, 2018
"About 10 degrees but brilliant blue skies and little wind. Made every ledge picture perfect. Started to cloud up when we returned to parking lot. Some moose tracks and lots of hare tracks." — Alohabuffy • Jan 8, 2017

"Most of the fall colors had faded, fallen, and made the trek up to Mt. Roberts slippery in spots. There were several large puddles on the trail from the past few days' rains. The trail was pretty soggy in the shaded spots. A mix of sun and thick clouds made the views from the summit so-so. However, on the trek back down the ridge the views out over Lake Winnipesaukee were spectacular." — HikeLikeMike • Oct 30, 2016
"Cold & Cloudy, 10-15 degs. Spitting snow at top and a solid wind in the face for the first mile down. Lots of great view ledges all along the trail. Fairly unprotected near the top of the ledges. But views span from red hill from the north then across most of Winnapesaukee, Belknaps in the background, finally southward across the Ossipees." — Alohabuffy • Jan 11, 2015