12,887 ft / 3,928 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 13.2 mi • 5,069 ft gain
Latest climbs
"Day 14 of my JMT section hike. Secor's description of this needs a bit more emphasis that the class 1 route is _east_ of Bullfrog Lake up a scree slope on the SE face of this mountain. We climbed the S face directly above Bullfrog lake and it was full of loose, tippy, crappy talus. Of all the peaks tagged on my JMT hike this was my least favorite. After tediously climbing the south face, we then had a traverse from a false summit onto steeper, looser, blockier class 2-3 terrain up to the true summit. The view down to Rae Lakes is nice, but not much different than that from Glen Pass. We descended the correct class 1 scree slope to get back and it was a much easier time going back down." — edg • Aug 16, 2019

"Climbed Mt. Rixford from the slopes above Bullfrog Lake then traversed over to Mt. Gould. When dropping down from the summit, I tried to find the scree chute described by Secor. The one I went down looked loose but was actually like concrete resulting in an unplanned and painful "glissade" down the steep chute. The rest of the traverse was enjoyable." — klotito • Sep 2, 2016

"Climbed up this peak via Kearsarge Pass. The walk up is entirely on boulders and it makes for a long arduous hike. Wildflowers were abundant all over the peak which was a special treat. We took the incredibly steep scree field back towards the pass on top of the peak. As you can see by the picture it is _steep_. However, this saved us a lot of time and there were even more types of wildflowers since it eventually turned into a creek. We did not find the register and fear it taken." — Irrationalist • Jul 12, 2014