14,428 ft / 4,398 m
Most climbed route
Southwest Slopes from N Halfmoon Creek TH (1-way)
3.9 mi • 3,748 ft gain • Class 2
- Mount Massive is the 2nd highest peak in Colorado and the 3rd highest peak in the contiguous United States.
- Long thought to be the highest 14er in Colorado before next-door neighbor Elbert took that crown.
- Name comes from its elongated shape with 5 summits over 14,000 ft and a summit ridge over 3 miles long.
- Has the most acreage above 14,000 feet of any mountain in Colorado.
- Standard route starts on the Colorado Trail before an often gradual ascent through wide alpine meadows to the summit ridge.
21 climbs • 3.9 mi • 3,748 ft gain • 8 hr 30 min • Class 2
14 climbs • 13.6 mi • 4,544 ft gain • 8 hr 15 min • Class 2
Latest climbs

"Very windy day. Lost my hat, almost lost my gloves and sunglasses, had to walk at a 20 degree slant at times. Quickly booped the main summit and bailed on an attempt to descend the south ridge. Haze from fires visible to the northeast, clear skies otherwise. Also tried to help two guys bag their first 14er but they turned around due to altitude and weather." — cheeseishappiness • Oct 24, 2020

"Beautiful day with cooperative weather and friendly hikers. We stayed on the summit for about 45 minutes enjoying lunch and the other hikers. Massive, she's a steep one. Gorgeous hike. We saw a goat!" — wendyglitterhippie • Aug 25, 2018

"Climbed the steep route up from the South / South West (half-moon Camp) and took the gradual route down to the main trail head for mount Massive. Beautiful day despite weather reports warning of thunder storms. We did have some menacing looking clouds roll in and we waited in a gully with some boulders as shelter just above tree line. From there if the light show got impressive we where going to bee line it down a scree field below tree line. Luckily all that really happened is it brought in some hail for about 15 minutes and then we where on our way to the summit. We met 5 other hikers at the summit. Three where with us on the way up taking shelter from the storm. So I believe the poor weather reports kept the masses from an attempt that day. All and all a beautiful day for a hike to the summit. Our hiking distances are approximate but much longer than what is necessary as we hiked not from the trailhead but from our camp that was still a few miles from the Mount Elbert and Mount Massive trail heads.
" — jouv236 • Jun 15, 2018

"Hiked up the Southwest slopes via Half Moon Trail, made the summit and returned on the main Mt Massive Trail making a full loop. The Southwest Slopes was very difficult for me, but the scenery is so worth the effort!
Got to photograph a Mama Mountain Goat with her Kid at the summit!" — Brandon-Shinsplint- • Aug 26, 2017

"Great day in the mountains. Easy to lose the trail in snow over 13k and wound up going up some loose talus. Conditions were perfect for glissading on the descent- 3800' in only 2 hours!" — Christopher • Jun 11, 2017

"My second summit of Mount Massive! This was my first time climbing it via the East Ridge. Not an easy route! It is about the same distance as the standard route, but with more elevation gain. You can see the standard route just a few miles south while on this route. The last 3 miles up the ridge are by far the worst! There are tons of ups and downs on the ridge, and because of the snow there were some places that were class 3. Also, everyone should know that the bears are starting to wake up and become active for the season. We broke trail on the way up. On the way down there were huge bear tracks following our path for quite a while before they broke off and went back into the woods. They were for sure not there on our way up, and were very fresh. Since it had only been a few hours since we were in that area, my guess is that we just barley missed running into him. He perhaps even bailed off the trail because he heard us coming.
" — IanWright • Apr 13, 2016
"A nice sunny day to take in the all the scenery as we climbed up the east slope then scrambled along the ridge to the summit bump. Hung out for awhile until the summit got a bit crowded. " — Nimblefoot • Jul 29, 2015

"Gorgeous day, beautiful scenery and amazing views. It was a bit odd having so much time alone in such an awesome space, but we had seemed to have the mountain to ourselves and the Marmots :)" — DaniB • Jul 28, 2015
"Started at about 6 in the morning and made the summit just before noon. It was probably the calmest, clearest day I have seen this whole season so far. The strange thing was that there was almost no one else climbing it and we practicality had the whole mountain to ourselves for most of the day. The weather was so nice that after hanging out on the summit for a while we decided to continue on to South Massive. More often then not I get chased down mountains by the looming horrible weather, so It almost felt wrong descending wile it was still so sunny and inviting. We were back at our car just before 5 p.m. " — IanWright • Jul 28, 2015

"Had a cool moment when a chipmunk got within 4 inches of my boot and just chittered on and on for a couple minutes. Had something really important to tell me I guess. Great mountain, great summit. Aptly named. This peak is MASSIVE!" — MidKnightVulture • Jul 7, 2013