4,052 ft / 1,235 m
- No doubt a large percentage of climbers assume that Mt. Jackson is named for President Andrew Jackson, lying so close to the Presidential Range. However, it is actually named for Charles Thomas Jackson, a New Hampshire geologist in the 19th century.
95 climbs • 6.9 mi • 488 ft gain • 5 hr 3 min
12 climbs • 11.5 mi • 3,578 ft gain • 6 hr 45 min
2 climbs • 6.7 mi • 2,285 ft gain • 5 hr 25 min
Latest climbs

"The forecast called for sunny skies and minimal wind, which inspired this relatively last-minute hike. The drive up was promising until I hit Franconia Notch, when I saw that not all of the morning’s clouds had dissipated. I stopped by the AMC Highland Center to check on the latest forecast which still predicted partly cloudy weather. Bolstered by the hope that the clouds would lift by the time I made the summit, I parked near the Webster-Jackson Trailhead and set off on the trail just after 10:30am. This was the first time I felt I should’ve brought snowshoes, as yesterday’s newly fallen snow created some difficulty on steep sections for my microspikes. This was most apparent on the final ascent, which was the steepest section and completely smoothed out, requiring me to grab onto trees for leverage. Despite my hopes, the clouds had not lifted, and I was met with a socked-in summit and higher-than-predicted winds, although it was not too cold. I took some pictures of the summit cairn and windblown trees for my first winter NH 4000 Footer, and 25th overall. I initially planned to hike Mt. Webster as well, but after taking two steps onto the Webster Cliff trail I postholed up to my ..." — JCalautti • Jan 12, 2025
"A hike up Jackson for a Calendar Day gain. Trails were damp. Out and back up Jackson Webster Tr. Cloudy day. Everything from Eisenhower north on the Presi range was socked in. " — newenglandwarrior • Jul 26, 2024
"Five of us drove to Twin Mountain,NH with one mission to get the smallest and oldest member of our group, 82 yo Marguerite(AKA Itty Bitty), to Mount Jefferson. It would be her finale peak of her W48 quest.
Today we choose Mount Jackson as our warm up hike/peak while we wait for bluebird day for Jefferson. Unbeknownst to us she began to suffer a small stroke as we started the hike from Rt 302. Moving very slowly and unable to talk within minutes of the road we promptly aborted and got her back to the motel. The local in our group got her to the hospital in Littleton for an MRI then got admitted.
The three of us went back to the TH and had a wonderful romp up to the open summit. The forecasted strong winds and cold temps were not an issue as we took in the fine views, particularly to the Presi range.
" — Nimblefoot • Mar 1, 2024
"Great hiking on a fantastic weather day. Enjoyed bright blue skies, very light winds and relative cool, dry temps. Picture perfect. First time on the section of Webster Cliffs from Mizpah hut to Jackson. Although a little wet and muddy, its nice through there with the bogs." — Alohabuffy • Aug 23, 2023
"Molly and I hiked 3 peaks today for her Grid. We headed up Crawford Path to Ike first. We then came back over Pierce and then onwards to Jackson. When we heard from other hikers the river crossing was clear, we came down the Jackson Webster Tr and roadwalked back to the car. Beautiful day out today. We just missed seeing a supply helicopter to Mizpah Hut. " — newenglandwarrior • Apr 21, 2023
"Trail conditions were great, looked like a lot of butt sliders had come down. A good wind at the top but no sunshine today. Was going to head to Webster Cliffs on the way down but the trail looked a little sketchy and all bare booted up." — Alohabuffy • Feb 22, 2023

"Beautiful day on Mount Jackson. Trail was in great condition, scrambles at the top were very manageable. Ice axe got a free ride. Spikes and poles were a must. No wind at the summit at all" — NoFace603 • Jan 15, 2023

"3rd mountain of the day on a really hot day in May with Nancy and Chris. Went by Mitzvah Hut. Some people were staying for $40 a night! (Bring your own food!) Rooty and rocky trail with some stairs. Getting tired on the way down. 2.6 on the way out. Wet and rocky trail that didn’t have a lot of flat areas. " — lfrancois • May 21, 2022
"For Sarah's 48w finish. Our group of 6 headed up the Crawford Path and tagged Pierce. We then continued on and tagged Eisenhower for Sarah's finish. We then came back to Pierce. Molly wanted to get Jackson. So our group split in half with myself, Molly, and Sarah heading on to Jackson. We reached it, then slowly made our way down the Jackson Webster Tr. We then roadwalked back to the car. " — newenglandwarrior • Jan 16, 2022

"the clear sky on Pierce became a dark grey and rainy sky on Jackson. The summit from Pierce is pretty straight forward, however be careful on the descent down Jackson, its slippery and pretty steep. Thanks to the many trees used to veggie belay me down that part. Once you are down from the summit, the hike is under tree canopy the whole way to the trail head. I did not see a geodetic marker on Jackson ." — puddlepirate • Jul 27, 2021