4,004 ft / 1,220 m
Most climbed route
- Mount Isolation is a 4000-footer in the Presidential Range of the White Mountains.
- Mount Isolation is the highest peak on the Montalban Ridge which extends south from Boott Spur.
- Lies deep in the Dry River Wilderness and is one of the most remote White Mountain peaks.
- Mount Isolation is the second shortest New Hampshire 4000 Footer, just one foot taller than Mt. Tecumseh, the shortest.
10 climbs • 13.3 mi • 3,622 ft gain • 8 hr 4 min
Latest climbs
"This fall hike finishes up our seasonal gridding of Isolation. A cool and cloudy day with intermittent sprinkles. Lots of fog to look at via the summit. Trail still has tons of water and mud. Lovely 13 mile rock hop." — Alohabuffy • Oct 11, 2023

"Ahh Mt. Isolation. The hike I will never do again. This one was the most mentally draining hike as you hike up to 5,200 feet to descend to Mt. Isolation. The long trek out Rocky Branch wasn't a picnic either. Engine Hill, you are not my friend as you claim to be easy but after hiking 10 miles, I am not interested in chugging up a small steady hill to get off the trails. We went up Glen Boulder which was cool to see up close. We had a cool weather day but nice views as it wasn't cloudy. Isolation does have a nice view of Washington. Over 13 miles in 11 hours of hiking time. Temperature at the start was 38 degrees and then it warmed up to 51 at the end. " — GreggC • Sep 17, 2022
"Molly and I decided to hike Isolation so she could pick up a good peak for Grid. The parking lot was packed. A lot of people on the trail. We hiked to the Engine Hill bushwack and followed that. We crossed a river and was unsure of where we were. Turns out, the broken out trail was following the Iso Express, which I had never been on. This cut off roughly a mile each way and plopped us out on the Davis Path. But for awhile, I was clueless as to where we were in relation to Isolation Tr. We reached the summit and it was mostly a clear day. We hiked out and made fast time coming out. " — newenglandwarrior • Mar 5, 2022

"OMG this trail is insane. I went up glen boulder and boy I thought that was tough. Once I reached the summit my legs gave out while I had lunch. The views however from glen boulder, along the trail, and the summit were spectacular. This is a very difficult hike. Could not have made it without the hiking buddies group. Took us about 12 hours to complete this hike. Coming quite a distance away and being new to hiking I drove there and home the same day. Making for a 22 hour day. HOW FUN!" — MadHobbyist • Sep 25, 2021
"A west to east traverse with the girlfriend for Isolation. Went up Crawford Path to Mizpah Tr, then down Dry River Cutoff, then up Iso West to Davis Path. We took Rocky Branch Tr out to Pinkham Notch. Heard a moose on the hike. I gridded out Isolation." — newenglandwarrior • Oct 10, 2020
"Started on Tuckerman's Ravine trail to Hermit Lake. From there took the Boott Spur Link to Boott Spur. After summiting Boott Spur hiked on the Davis Path all the way to Isolation. Hiked back Davis Path to Glen Boulder Trail and out Glen Boulder. Short road walk back to Pinkham Notch. Number 46 of 48 NH4K." — dmcosker • Aug 22, 2020
"A traverse of the Davis Path, from one end to the other. Teamed up with Denise, we went up Ammo, then down Davis Path, hitting some peaks on the way. A long day but lots of fun." — newenglandwarrior • Aug 14, 2020
"The long way to Isolation. Red-lining inspired. About 20 miles, doing a loop from Jericho Rd. Rocky Branch South had some tricky spots to follow. Route finding needed anywhere the trail was near a river. The rest of the loop hike went great. " — newenglandwarrior • Aug 23, 2019

"Perfect day for a long climb. We began with the Glen Boulder Trail, which was beautiful and didn't feel as long as I expected. By the time we summitted--crossing via the Davis Path, and the very muddy Isolation spur--we were definitely glad to have left a car at the Rocky Branch trailhead. Re-ascending 1,500 feet to the Glen Boulder/Davis junction would have been a little much for us. In spite of this, I fell in love with the Glen Boulder Tr(!), but might never use the Rocky Branch or Isolation trails again. So wet and tedious! Long hike, but great weather, and beautiful views!" — gooner • Aug 31, 2018

"Hiked up Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail to Camel Trail and crossed to Davis Path. Hiked down to Isolation Spur and up to summit. Had lunch and fed a Grey Jay, then headed down. Took Davis Path to Isolation Trail, to Rocky Branch # 2, and on down to Rt. 16. One water crossing was quite high, and I had to go downstream a bit to get across. Pam took off her boots and pants and waded through the deeper area instead. Both Isolation and Rocky Branch had loads of mud and water and were major rock hops for most of the trails. Finally finished my 48 4000 footers! Yay! " — Hufflepuff • Jul 29, 2018