13,418 ft / 4,090 m
Most climbed route
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"For all my struggles the first day, this made up for it completely. Started at 4AM with a big group of 20, 8 going with Bob Burd to the Black Divide for the challenge, the rest scattered around to do challenge peaks from prior years. I, along with 3 others, parted ways with the pack at Sailor Lake and climbed fantastic solid granite slabs to get in the basin above Hungry Packer Lake. From there, we worked to the base of the glacier, which at first seemed melted, but was actually buried under dust and rock. We topped out on the col and began traversing over to find the class 3 slab route. One member of our party felt we were dropping too low on the traverse (we weren't) and decided to tackle the East Arete dead on, in retrospect rated at 5.9. I headed up the slabs no problem and summited in just under 7 hours, the other three trickling in after me. The climber that soloed the 5.9 route topped out a half hour later, took a swig of water, and immediately puked from the adrenaline. He reported he was terrified the entire time. " — Christopher • Aug 18, 2013