7,317 ft / 2,230 m
8 climbs • 12.7 mi
1 climb • 7.7 mi • 1,230 ft gain • 1 hr 50 min
Latest climbs

"Scrambled Mount Fremont East Peaks 1 and 2, Mount Fremont, Mount Fremont Middle, Point 6771, went to the Mount Fremont Lookout, and then went to the Mount Fremont West ("Sub Freemont") peak. Wonderful solitude in most of the places.
The scramble to Mount Fremont East 2 wasn't bad, but there are a lot of loose rocks, and even some big slabs are loose. Be careful what you pull on.
After that, went up to Burroughs 3. Still some snow up there. Not on the trail, but could refill my water bottles." — mathiasricken • Sep 2, 2018