4,039 ft / 1,231 m
Most climbed route
10 climbs • 15.8 mi • 4,191 ft gain • 11 hr 4 min
4 climbs • 31.0 mi • 6,082 ft gain • 16 hr 49 min
3 climbs • 27.9 mi • 5,426 ft gain • 12 hr 11 min
Latest climbs
"A backpacking trip to Blueberry Lean to. Molly and I hiked up Seward, then did Donaldson and Emmons. We opted to come down Calkins Brook herdpath. It made for a longer hike by mileage, but safer. We were going to do Seymour the next day, but it drizzled in the morning, so we hiked out. " — newenglandwarrior • Jul 11, 2021
"Teamed up with a couple of friends for a Seward range hike. We hiked the 3 peaks of Seward, Donaldson, and Emmons, dealt with mud and lots of rocks. Fun times and great views on Donaldson. " — newenglandwarrior • Sep 19, 2020
"Visiting the summits of Donaldson, Emmons and Seward for Tom’s 46r quest. Ascended via Calkins Brook then descended via Ward Brook and onto the long walk out. Ward Brook was a lot wetter and muddier than I remember, how things change over the years and decades. The overcast skies occluded any views early in the day then eventually the sun broke through the clouds giving us a view here and there and some needed warmth that the blustery wind took away. " — Nimblefoot • Aug 30, 2020

"Intense day! Started super early. It was fun to take the herd path and see the landmarks I was looking for to navigate between the peaks. Surprisingly accomplished in less than 8 hours!" — hanawalton • Aug 12, 2020

"Marathon day on Seward Range. Made camp in campsite on Calkins Brook Trail. Headed up herd path to ridge and Donaldson. Over and back to Emmons and onto Seward. Descended Seward and still had a couple of hours of daylight left and went up Seymour for dusk. Returned back from Seymour and hiked back to campsite with headlamp on. Hiked out next day." — JMindlin12463 • Jun 8, 2020

"A great day with great friends (Laurie, Su) who went the distance and concurred three mountains in the Seward Range Friday Jul26/2019 (Emmons, Donaldson and Seward) Via Calklin Brooks Trail. Couldn't have asked for better companions for a warm but scenic day in the mountains,, Not many views on treed summits other then Donaldson,, Got to share a little lunch and great convo with other like minded hikers along the trail, Trails were great with many mud holes along the way to concur, Not much water supply once you start to elevate closer to the summits, Crazy rock scrambles in a few areas that will test your will but very doable,, And what can I say about the longgg walk out to the car lol. All And all a perfect day Doing what we love!" — ramjet1963 • Jul 26, 2019

"Warm day, with light breeze on summits. Combined this hike - Donaldson, Emmons, Steward. Traveled with 2 friends (Roger and Laurie). Long day. Did manage to get turned around for about 1HR on the stream. Longest part of trip was last 2 hrs walking back on relatively flat trail. Good full day." — suzannerunciman • Jul 26, 2019

"From Donaldson we headed to Emmons. Trail to Emmons was muddy, steep and treacherous. Black did great. In places jumping straight up 6 foot ledges and climbing up smooth faces on his toenails! Repeated the hike in reverse and returned to car at 6 pm. An 11 hour day and 20 miles. Pretty wooped! No views all day!" — garyogden • Aug 26, 2018

"Not a great day, cloudy, windy and drizzling at times. The weather report was totally wrong but we figured we will take on Donaldson and Emmons and depending on the time, shoot up Seward. We did not want to get home too late being it is Sunday and we need to get things done prepping for work on Monday. So we headed out a little late (7:30am) we started! Conditions we a bit muddy but we found the calkins brook trail really nice. We made good timing getting up to the cole between Seward and Donaldson, shot to Donaldson by 11am. and Emmons by 12. Views were no good but the sky was clearing, made our way back to Donaldson and finally got some clear skies for some good pictures. Got back to the Cole by 1:15PM. At this point we figured 2 hours out and back to Seward and then 3 hours out to the car. We have 1 1/2 hour trip home so in our eyes it was too late to hit Seward, we will come back. All in all a nice hike up these 2 mountains #38 and 39!" — hbotc • Aug 6, 2017

"Solo. Donaldson, Emmons, Seward. A tough day for me- I broke trail on snowshoes and struggled through mud pits as well. I scooted off of Donaldson pretty quickly as there was no view to be had and continued on to Emmons. This trail was not what I had read about- wow! Hella ice slides with limited handholds. My arms are gonna hurt tomorrow! I carefully picked my way through the less than desirable terrain.. Got a real kick of how the hares seem to use the herd paths! Breaking trail was brutal- I was sinking in significantly in most areas and my pace was very very slow. Emmons summit was nothing to write home about. Just another tree'd and viewless summit for me today. Headed back the direction I came to go back over Donaldson and then split over to Seward. 37/46 SINGLE DIGITS REMAINING!!" — kellieirene • Oct 25, 2016