13,850 ft / 4,221 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 5.3 mi • 2,262 ft gain • 5 hr 46 min
Latest climbs

"8/12/23: From Peru Creek Campsite #19 (one of only two unoccupied by 3pm on Friday, but a perfect site for 3 cars and tents!), we drove the Taco (4WD advised beyond Warden Gulch) up to the lot near the locked gate which serves as the de facto trailhead now. Argentine Pass Trl (CDT) is an interesting and beautiful trail (odd creek colors, mining ruins, great wildflowers, and awesome views back down Peru Creek as well as the entire Horseshoe Basin including Grays and then Torreys). After the long traverse below Argentine Peak, we made the pass in about 2 hours where the guys were surprised to see jeeps at the top. After a moderate break we stayed along the ridge north to Edwards (2 minor points in between) as clouds began to develop and consolidate around, below, and over G&T. The ultimate goal of the day was Grays east ridge but my primary objective was Peak 13645 (PFA) and I made it clear that we needed to get there afap before we got either chased off the ridge (luckily there was never lighting) or the rock got too wet. I put it in second gear and was off! {See Peak 13645}
(Total: 7.6/3000)" — LoneWolf • Aug 12, 2023

"10/10/21: After summiting McClellan, stuck the ridge as much as possible to avoid deeper accumulating snow (gaiters would have been nice!) Followed some broken trail from the only other party on the mountain that day (a lady and her dog who didn’t seem to mind the conditions at all; hardy souls!). The blowing snow clouds came in waves from across Grays and Torreys (never was able to fully see the peaks) with occasional heavy gusts that felt like sandpaper. The direct ridge line got too deep for comfort so I made way over to the east slopes where the rime ice was getting thick and steeper and the decision was made to don the ascent trax for the final push. Fortunately the snow-wind started to abate at the summit and allowed a rest and a smoke. Still could only see the start of the Grays summit ridge but some decent clearing was starting to the south (Peru Creek basin) and along the ridge down to Argentine Pass. I followed the ridge down to the first saddle while deciding if Argentine Pass/Peak was in the cards for the day as originally planned. There was still no solid evidence of the skies clearing or the ceiling continuing to lift and it would be getting late soon so the decision..." — LoneWolf • Oct 10, 2021

"This was a climb of Torreys and Grays Peaks which then got extended when we saw the ridge leading to Edwards. We descended a nasty gully down to the trailhead, not something I would recommend." — stevevets689 • Jul 4, 2007