1,489 ft / 454 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 4.4 km • 372 m gain • 3 hr 21 min
Latest climbs

"A bit wet and very windy which made the descent quite treacherous. There is not much grip even on the granite when it is wet, so it quickly turned into a waterslide. Were able to get down safely, but could've been dangerous." — Tassietrekker • Sep 29, 2023

"There are signs everywhere to do not attempt this hike while wet. It was drizzle that day and was our last day in Frencinet so we decided to try the climb anyway. It wasn't that hard, but when we were coming back was already sunny and most of the rocks were dry with some small streams of water falling. This little streams were so dangerous, I was so scary to come back as my shoes became extremely slippery while wet on dry Rocks. I end up taking them out and that was working great. I had my trainers on so if the weather isn't perfect I really recommend better shoes that that. Overall it is a bit difficult but Mt Beerwah or Tibrogargan in Glass House Mountains seems to be more difficult than Mt Amos. " — Asha • Jan 6, 2021