8,283 ft / 2,525 m
12 climbs • 4.3 mi • 740 ft gain • 2 hr 16 min
Latest climbs

"Parked at Stratton Open Space, hiked up the east side via Gold Camp Rd path and around the peak. The weather was nice, but a storm was blowing in so I had to quickly get back down the mountain. For some reason AllTrails deleted by gps track, which is a huge bummer. No snow anywhere, but it may be coming soon, and I wouldn't try the climb without spikes or yaxtrax if there's even a bit of snow/ice. There's a Christmas tree decorated at the summit, but I doubt it survives the storm later!" — danielmartin • Dec 24, 2021

"Nice day, great solo hike/run combo. Took High Drive to the metal gate then bushwacked straight up Mays Peak. Signed in the book located under one of the pine trees. Combined this with Buckhorn Peak into one 5.5 mile loop. " — garydavidsonruns • Sep 2, 2018