3,383 ft / 1,031 m
Most climbed route
2 climbs • 1.9 mi • 770 ft gain • 2 hr 10 min
Latest climbs
"In order to dodge the crowds this weekend, Molly and I headed way up north so that she could grab a 52wav peak. We also did Dixville Notch in the same day. Beautiful day for it. " — newenglandwarrior • Aug 8, 2020

"After about a 5 hr. drive, I had to park at the Tower Rd. turn-off, not wanting to chance getting the Caddy stuck and walked the 3 miles to the trailhead. I had planned on taking the Bobcat Trail up. However there is no signage (except for a "wildlife viewing" one) for the two trails going up so I ended up taking the Coot Trail (ugh... straight up!). It was a nice day with great views while a bit windy up on the tower. Didn't stay long as I was concerned about the approaching sunset. The Bobcat Trail was nicer heading down, and I found out that it started just before the Tower Rd. parking area. As it turned out I finished the road walk back to the car, in the dark, as a steady drizzle was commencing." — SteveM_StickMan • Oct 14, 2019

"Kali, my Golden, my friend Pam, and I drove up to Mt Magalloway, in Pittsburg, NH area and did the short, fairly steep climb to the summit.
There is a fire tower there that gave us amazing views in all directions. The fall colors were incredible. Absolutely the perfect time to do that mountain.
It was chilly, probably around 32 degrees at the top with ice all over the railings and enough on the steps that holding said railings was a necessity.
Took loads of pictures here. :)
The white looking trees in some of the pictures are evergreens with a good coating of rime ice on them.
After walking around to a couple of view points and climbing the tower, we found a sunny spot and sat down to eat our lunch.
The cold breeze was enough to make us eat quickly and start the much more tedious climb down. It was very slippery under foot descending.
I fell once when I stupidly decided to step on a wet bog board. I really do know better. lol
Pam went down the same way we came up and Kali and I tried a different path that ran parallel to that one most of the way down, but from a slightly higher elevation in the beginning. Both paths were wicked slick.
The magnificent mo..." — Hufflepuff • Oct 5, 2019
"A lot of dark clouds as we started up Coots trail, thankfully its only half hour climb. Pretty steep and wet though. As we were up in the fire tower, we could hear thunder off in the distance. Had to hustle down Bobcat with the sound of lightning off to the east and south. Had about 5 minutes to spare as the pelting rain hit hard. Also chased a baby garter snake out of the bathroom. Long 8 mi drive in and 8 mi out on dirt roads." — Alohabuffy • Aug 3, 2017

"After hitting success we made it to Magalloway for a Sunset hike. It was such a beautiful forest, but a quick hike to the summit to hit the tower. The clouds were super thick and rolling in fast...on our way down we did get to experience a red sun through the trees...it was incredible! " — shay-shay • Jul 15, 2017

"North of Pittsburg, NH, this Fire Lookout Tower is another of the 16 Towers on NH Division of Forests and Lands Tower Quest. Coming from southern NH, the drive took a lot longer than the hike which is about .7 on either of the trails when combined make a nice loop." — StoneMan • Jun 14, 2015