- Highest mountain of the Moravian-Silesian Beskids range in the Czech Republic
95 climbs • 5.5 km • 634 m gain • 3 hr 44 min • Class 1
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"From Ostravice village, where we stayed in the excellent Hotel Freud. With ALT.
We took the red trail up, first on the lane past the church up to the car park at its end. From there a wide track led us up to the hamlet Butořanka, as the mist descended to meet us. Here the red trail became an eroded path that wound up the west flank of the mountain to join the north-west ridge. As we ascended into the mist it began to rain, but not heavily. The trail then headed south-east up this ridge, past a memorial to local victims of the Nazis in WW2, to reach the summit area soon afterwards. The summit is cluttered with buildings etc. and was very busy on this Sunday morning. After summit photos we headed into the lodge for an excellent, and cheap, lunch.
We took the yellow trail down - a much quieter route. This began at a bend in the access road - we had some trouble locating its start at first. It descended through dwarf pine and bilberry into the spruce forest, with beech predominating as we descended further down the south flank of the mountain. The trail wound round the flanks of Čupel 943m and eventually led down to the lane on the northern side of the Šance Reservoir...." — marktrengove • Aug 13, 2017