3,342 ft / 1,019 m
28 climbs • 1.3 mi • 522 ft gain • 1 hr 18 min
3 climbs • 2.3 mi • 980 ft gain • 1 hr 50 min
2 climbs • 1.3 mi • 527 ft gain • 1 hr 8 min
2 climbs • 3.3 mi • 656 ft gain • 1 hr 17 min
2 climbs • 3.6 mi • 1,093 ft gain • 2 hr 34 min
2 climbs • 3.7 mi • 1,202 ft gain • 2 hr 48 min
Latest climbs

"12.3.23~was nearby delivering Amazon packages in Providence so we did a Lone Mtn Peak quickie after a 4 mile run below on the trail (looping twice CW). Can’t believe it’s been nearly 10 years since I was on top of this one. I don’t think it had a groomed path back then. Homes are really close too. 1.3 miles, 500’ gain. Up in :22 and down in :10min. I’m not in the best Mtn shape but was a respectable effort. Did the 4.4 mile, 400’ gain run in 46:40 min. " — paula.raimondi • Dec 3, 2023

"Took the West Gully route up Lone Mountain for a quick afternoon hike. Ran into Corey, Sheila & Jimmy right after we left the summit, so we went back up with them. Hiked back down the main trail with Corey & ran into Rich too! Super cold & windy at the top. " — Kevin • Dec 2, 2020

"Random, middle-of-the-day decision to go climb Lone Mountain, as I need it for one of the challenges, and I had never done it before. We came up the south-east scrambling route (I guess? Definitely the East side), and went down the trail. A good cardio workout, as I haven't been doing much hiking as of late..." — psychikingjes • Aug 26, 2018

"In a day where I climbed 3 Vegas peak-lets, this was the last and best one. Spent a little extra time at the summit soaking it all in. Even saw a huge chuckwalla on the way up. If it didn't flinch when I almost stepped on it, I would not have seen it since it was well camouflaged. I began walking from the Lone Mountain Regional Park parking lot off W. Lone Mountain Rd." — MikeTeeples • Jun 12, 2017

"Was across town for a bike ride with a friend so I hiked this peak after. Solo sunset hike for the 1st time on this summit. Lots of trash and graffiti on this urban mtn. There was a bat cave and a kitten living up there too. " — paula.raimondi • May 9, 2014

"This little mountain is practically in my backyard. My second summit of Lone Mountain, did it solo. Beautiful day, clear skies, warm temps. Followed the summit trail to the top, very easy hiking and very steep for a good workout. I really should take advantage of this one more often considering its literally down the street from my house and I could use the exercise! Quickest way to the trail is to park at the end of Vegas Vista Dr. Going to make this a weekly workout to build up my cardio." — cardsfanlv • Feb 28, 2013

"This was my first summit ever. Granted its not much of a summit but for a fat & out of shape guy like me it was an accomplishment. Its a very short but very steep climb. The trail is only about half a mile and climbs 600 feet to the summit. From the top you get a great view of the valley and surrounding mountains. Did it solo." — cardsfanlv • Sep 27, 2012

"Climbed this little mountain that rises from the valley floor with my 12 yo daughter Sarah and our dog Missy in 2006. Parked at the bottom in what appeared to be a dirt parking area and walked straight up on what appeared to be the most commonly-used path. It was pretty tough because it was basically an 850-foot ascent at a 20-40 percent grade for a mile or so. Felt like the King of the Mountain as I sat at the top looking directly down at Summerlin. Nice little challenge right at the edge of town." — TakinIt2Type2 • Sep 1, 2006