4,810 ft / 1,466 m
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"AT lash Day 1: Winding Stair Gap to Standing Indian Mountain, with side trips to nearby peaks along the way. Lots of Blowdowns in the Southern Nantahala Wilderness post-hurricane. There’s a clearcut path up to Pinnacle Mountain, no bushwhacking necessary, though there isn’t anything up there. Albert Mountain has great views despite the tower being locked. Easy bushwhack to Little Ridgepole. Made a half-hearted attempt at Little Bald, purely because it’s on the NC AT Peakery challenge. After a half mile of brutally thick bushwhacking through face-height pricker bushes and wall-to-wall laurels, with no end of the mess in sight, I turned around. Not sure why this one is on the list given its distance away from the trail, difficult approach for the average thru-hiker, and seemingly zero redeemable qualities. Won’t be going back for this one. Spent the night atop Standing Indian, which IS a wonderful blue blaze from the AT." — wacbravo • Oct 9, 2024