10,418 ft / 3,175 m
Most climbed route
5 climbs • 9.2 mi • 2,636 ft gain • 4 hr 26 min
4 climbs • 9.2 mi • 2,574 ft gain • 5 hr 1 min
Latest climbs

"So glad to finally get this one! Kendrick has been on my personal list for a while, I'd like to get all of the Flagstaff main peaks. I was camping on the Mogollon ("muggy-on") Rim for Labor Day and knew it was a great time to get this peak. The day was gorgeous, and the wildflowers were in crazy bloom! You could smell wildflower scent with every step you took. So crazy. The fire on Kendrick was around 2000? 2001? 2000-2004 time period, I can't recall off the top of my head, so it's interesting to see two decades worth of growth and fire recovery, and to see how long the scars linger on. Trail the whole way, plenty of people on the trail with us, and just a gorgeous day. " — psychikingjes • Sep 3, 2023

"Up Bull Basin (snow on trail - had to use spikes and climb) to the peak and back down Pumpkin Trail to Connector Trail back to Bull Basin TH. Very little snow on Pumpkin Trail. Need Gaia GPS or something similar, as trail oftentimes disappears/not clearly marked. Bull Basin not recommended for novices until the snow melts. I'm an experienced hiker and climber and would not recommend this to beginners. The main Kendrick trail is more beginner-friendly. " — rockthedr • Jun 3, 2023

"Just one more big mountain before leaving town. Perfect weather conditions at the start of the hike. By the time I reached the top I was surrounded by thunder clouds. I took a picture of the lookout tower and then sat next to it. In just a moment later I heard a loud rumble in the sky right behind my shoulder. I didn’t want to be next to that metal lookout tower when the lightning started. So my stay at the summit lasted only about a minute as I fled the scene. I only witnessed one lightning bolt on the way down, but what stole the show was the hail storm that dumped on me for at least 15 minutes. I found a tree to hide under, which was difficult due to the fire damage along the trail. Just a little bit of excitement for the day. I did appreciate all the new undergrowth that has sprouted and is filling the burn areas. Very scenic with all the greenery." — MikeTeeples • Jul 26, 2019

"One of the first mountains I climbed in AZ after moving. Back after 3 years. One of the few trails open around Flag right now due to fire restrictions. Complete TR: https://themtsarecalling.com/kendrick/" — Christopher • Jun 2, 2018

"Did this hike with meet up. Not an easy hike due to elevation. Nice trail, gets steep, but switchbacks help. Super single track towards the top. See lots of people backpack this trail and stay up at the top. " — PrincessDi • Jul 9, 2016