5,560 ft / 1,695 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 1.9 mi • 496 ft gain • 1 hr 29 min
Latest climbs

"A very cold, gusty day! It was interesting how there was a very clear trail at various intervals, yet most of the time there really wasn't any trail to speak of. No matter: it's pretty obvious where to go. You'll go over or around a few bumps until you get to the real summit, where I found three summit markers and the remains of two burned sign posts. On the day I summited, the info sheet at the JTNP visitors center said that the wind would gust up to 44mph. Reading the previous reports here, I see that wind seems to be a regular feature, presumably because of where this peak is situated, looking toward the Banning pass. Beautiful views from here!" — HikerMark • Dec 7, 2013