5,748 ft / 1,752 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 29.8 km • 1,901 m gain • 9 hr 36 min
Latest climbs

"The logged track was just from the hut to the summit, it goes up quickly from the hut and then takes you most of the way around the mountain before heading up the scree. The scree took us longer than most as my son (11yr) found it difficult but most adults would find it challenge.
Day 1 we tramped from the car park by the Waka up the farm track which had horses with foals, bulls with cows and calves at foot and ewes and lambs none of which bothered to notice we were there. The track is open and I am thankful it was overcast as the trip home wasn’t and it gets hot. The wind did pick up as we got closer to the hut and howled through the night before dying out around 5am. This took 3.5 hours including stops, it is a good track.
Day 2 We went to the carvings for sunrise had breakfast and started our ascent, the track goes up quickly at the start before it flattens and you walk most of the way around the mountain. We found a Pāua slug on trail and plenty of Flora I haven’t seen before but it was flourishing, including what became known as our spiky friend who looks a bit like the top of a pineapple before it flowers (leaves and flowers are very spiky). There is also a cool yarn that o..." — loganscott • Dec 28, 2024

"Overnight trip up Hikurangi. Stayed at hut. Beautiful evening walking up to hut. Hoped weather would hold off for summit at sunrise but unfortunately not. By the time I got back to car, river was already beginning to flood." — AidanAstwood • Jun 22, 2024

"Warm up fitness trip in preparation for Mt Cook. About the only place in NZ that wasn't getting smashed by the wx that weekend. It's a long, long drive from Welly. Another tramping mountain." — kevinpatterson • Oct 14, 2006