1,348 ft / 411 m
8 climbs • 2.5 mi • 415 ft gain • 1 hr 40 min
3 climbs • 2.8 mi • 609 ft gain • 2 hr 2 min
Latest climbs

"I hiked with brother Dean today. We decided on this short hike close to home on this cold and windy winter day. Trail was frozen with a fresh light dusting of snow. Some ice in places that were easily skirted. Nice views from the summit. Up and down in a little over a hour." — garyogden • Feb 18, 2024

"Dry trail today, starts out easy gets steep towards the top. Nice short 2.9 mile hike. The views of the mountains and the town below were georgous. Saw a snake and counted 119 Salamanders, and 3 beautiful Lady Slippers on the trail.Loved this trail. Be careful some times it could be hard to stay on the right trail.
5/27/22" — sarahlaustrup • May 27, 2022

"Sarah counted over 100 salamanders, we saw 3 beautiful lady slippers, mosquitoes and Gypsy moths are way to plentiful. Hot and muggy morning, nice dry trail. Absolutely beautiful views at the top." — melaniehaskell • May 27, 2022

"A bright and early start to day two of our two-day hiking adventure in the Adirondacks - this peak right in Warrensburg where we stayed overnight was our first destination and fourth peak of the adventure. Great views overlooking Warrensburg." — RangersApprentice • Mar 9, 2019

"This is the second time hiking this mountain. The first time was in the winter as an out and back, but this time was a traverse from trailhead to trailhead. One side is steep and rocky while the other side isn’t so steep. " — chrisroberts • Jul 29, 2018

"Nice Saturdayquick hike up Hackensack. Snow and Ice still on the ground, very slippery, used our snow cleats. Views from the top looking out on town of Warrensburg were nice. " — hbotc • Mar 5, 2016

"Husband Frank and brother-in-law George and I expected an easy hike and were surprised by how challenging this little peak was, especially the rugged descent to Prospect St. Great views and lots of interesting variety along the way, including the US flag/viewpoint." — barbaratraver • Jul 30, 2012

"A short 1 hour late afternoon hike. 2.1 miles round trip. Lots of logging going on the western slope of the mountain. A nice view of Warrensburg and hills to the west and south. " — Telemarkmike • Dec 2, 2011

"it was really hard climing by my self. when i was getting closer to the top the trail really wasnt a trail anymore and it was very steep. i met up with a nice kid and his dog. he saw that i was struggling a bit and was very encourageing. i made it to the top! simply amazing!!" — angela.schulze1 • Jul 10, 2006