
1.7 mi to summit

3.5 mi total


1,380 ft start

2,206 ft max


744 ft gain


1 hr 17 min to summit

2 hr 33 min total

Goodman Mountain Mountain
January 10th, 2019

12:20p We started at 11:18a today and are planning on hitting the entire Tupper Lake Triad. There is a lot of powder snow on the ground, up to my knees in some places. I am first so I am making the path for both Matt and myself to go up the mountain. We already have a good portion of the mountain under our belts and it seemed like we were going to be the only ones all day. We only stopped for a moment to catch our breath when another hiker came right up behind us and scared the living crap out of me. Was not expecting him. He definitely didn’t mean to scare us but my heart was racing after he said hello.

12:30p We are so close to the top and have walked about .3 miles with the guy we met before. He went on ahead while Matt and I took a second to drink some water. We can’t be far from the top because in the time it took me to write this he has already gone up and come back down past us. So time to continue on.

12:49p We have reached the summit! The guy before said that this was the worst view out of the three but this view is amazing. Looking out we can see quite a few of the mountains in the area including our second stop Coney Mountain. Over us is completely blue skies but everywhere else is snowy and dark grey skies.

1:06p After hiking down a lot of the trail Matt slipped and nearly fell down the side of the mountain. He hurt his right leg and we are taking a second for him to recover. He says he doesn’t want to do all three of the triad because it hurt so much. I understand so this will be our only peak for the day. Next time we come up we will hit the other two and possibly even this one again just for kicks.

1:51p We just made it back to the car Matt says his leg still hurts so we won't be doing the other two, even after about an hour of me begging to continue. Great day beautiful winter wonderland up on Goodman Mountain! Would definitely do it again.

Route to summit



snow on route, weather

Key gear

GPS device