51 climbs • 6.4 mi • 1,747 ft gain • 4 hr 36 min
5 climbs • 6.8 mi • 1,727 ft gain • 4 hr 48 min
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"A fine Fall day for doing a twosie of Slide and Panther mountains. The morning started off cool, requiring some light layers but no hat or gloves, then as the cloudy sky cleared the temps rose nicely. First up an out and back climb of Slide from Slide TH off Rt 47 with only one other car in the lot at 8:18 am. The young couple seem to be waiting until I headed up the trail first. Had the summit ledge to myself which was a pleasant surprise then I was well down the mountain before I started meeting or hearing other hikers. This climb checked off day #236 of 366 of my 4K peak/ day challenge.
Next I headed back down Rt 47 to the Panther TH. A DEC work crew was just finishing loading up their skid-turn tractor and roller after filling in the trench that develops between the road and the PA. I chatted with the two guys while eating my lunch and drinking a hot beverage. On my way out to Panther I decided to wander off the trail to visit the actual summit of Giant Ledge then return to the trail beyond the ledges. Again I had the summit to myself and as a bonus continued onto the next small view before heading back. I didn’t see any other hikers until I was beyond Giant Ledge and getting ..." — Nimblefoot • Nov 15, 2024
"Today was forecasted to be a nice sunny day though a bit cooler to start with. I needed Panther for the month of April of my fifth grid and I needed a 4K peak for the 4K/day challenge of the northeast. So I decided to make a day of hiking Panther in the morning from Rt 47 then Hunter in the afternoon via the Becker Hollow trail off Rt 214.
Still getting used to the idea of leaving the TH without clipping on micro spikes to the pack and wearing tall gaiters over big boots. A spirited stroll up to and over Giant ledge encountering only one couple with a dog within the first 15 minutes. Beyond Giant Ledge it was just me and my thoughts. On my way out I encountered a single woman, we had a nice chat for awhile, then went our separate ways. Back to the car I began ingesting my sandwich as I drove over to Rt 214 for an ascent of Hunter.
I always look forward to using the Becker Hollow trail as it’s a nice change of pace from the other routes. But today for some reason the ascent kicked my butt and took longer than I expected. Upon walking into the summit clearing, from the shortcut trail, I see a woman I know then two more friends up on the tower. We engaged in some lively chit chat re..." — Nimblefoot • Apr 16, 2024
"Rebecca Q joined Richard and I for a hike of Giant Ledge and Panther in the morning. When we headed up at 7:30 the temp was 9* then upon our return after 11 the temp had rose to 28*. We brought both spikes and snowshoes but since the trail was broken out and well packed down the ‘shoes stayed on our packs while we hiked with spikes on for better grip.
Over to Peck road PA for WHP by 1:00 pm the temp had rose to 34*. For this hike we popped on the micro spikes and left the snowshoes in the car. Much less snow from TH to summit than what we found on Panther so not all the rocks/roots were as well covered. In the AM we had a bright blue sky with plenty of sun then after noon we got complete overcast sky as the temp continued to rise.
" — Nimblefoot • Jan 22, 2024
"A morning romp of Giant Ledge and Panther with Mimi. Once back to the cars she headed off to get Halcott before heading back to NJ. I opted for an early return to home running some errands on the way. Nice change from sunny skies with temps in the 60’s - low 70’s out in Los Gatos two days ago to a cloudy day, prep for the forecasted snow later tonight, with temps in the upper 20’s to low 30’s. Trail had some icy patches which grew in size the further in/up we went. We made it to the summit w/o spikes with careful foot placement but used them on our return so we could cruise on the ice and crusty snow back to GL. " — Nimblefoot • Nov 26, 2023
"After meeting Johnny at the New Paltz park and ride he drove us up to the hair-pin curve on Co Rt 47 for a climb of Panther cruising over Giant Ledge in the process. On our way back I showed Johnny my shortcut from the turnoff for the spring straight down to the parking area just for a change of pace. The day heated up quite rapidly, we both wished we had worn shorts. Once back to Rt 47 we drove over to Peck road for a climb of WHP. It was nice to discover Peck road had been repaved which extended into the formally dirt parking lot. The day continued to get too warm with only an occasional breeze and cloud cover to provide some comfort." — Nimblefoot • Oct 25, 2023
"Romp of Bearpen and Vly from Johnson Hollow(Rt 3). Bumped into a Ranger out checking on the condition of the State boundary blazes. Next was an out and back of Giant Ledge and Panther from Rt 47. Sprinkles at the start from the PA then again as I returned, otherwise just cloudy. Bearpen and Vly completed my 56th round of the Cat 35." — Nimblefoot • May 5, 2023
"Two easy short peaks, Rusk and Halcott, in the morning with Peter, Miyon, Mimi and Barbara. We managed to get up to the canister on Rusk without spikes since the only ice patches were on the last pitch. Most of the way was bare ground. The other four put on spikes for the descent while I just whack around the ice on the herd path. Halcott was similar though we all put on the micros for the slippery frozen leaves as much as the crusty snow while whacking up and down for a direct route avoiding the usual rocky herd path.
Mimi and I bid adieu to Peter, Miyon and Barbara, who had enough, before heading to Rt 47 to go tag Panther. We both lucked out and got parking spots in the lot at the hairpin curve with numerous cars parking off both sides of the road. We managed the out and back without spikes being judicious with our foot placements. Most folks that we encountered were heading out so it was no surprise upon returning to the parking lot that there were only two other cars besides our own. Time head home to refuel before going horizontal then return tomorrow so we can play in the mountains again with the early springlike weather." — Nimblefoot • Feb 19, 2023
"A cloudy morning clearing to a sunny blue sky afternoon with temps rising toward the 40’s. Panther from the hairpin turn on Rt 47 then Balsam Lake from Mill Brook road. Packed crusty snow on both trails with some icy spots on the P-E trail heading toward to the Panther/Giant Ledge trail. Micro spikes all day.
To avoid tedium and have some fun I took my usual short cut from the spring sign on the GL trail bushwhacking straight down to the TH completely avoiding the P-E trail. I got carried away with moving fast and not navigating so I ended up popping up to the road right across from the parking lot instead of hitting the trail by the bridge or register box…oops." — Nimblefoot • Feb 8, 2023
"Another day of repeat peaks but for a different month. BLM and Panther bring my total grid count up to 413 out of 420. The unusually warm weather continues making one forget it’s actually Fall. " — Nimblefoot • Nov 3, 2022
"Got to the Millbrook road TH late, after 10am, to find the parking lot almost full on a Thursday. A quick scoot up and down BLM then drove over to Rt 47 to the Giant Ledge TH on the hairpin curve only to find that lot full. Parked off the side of the road above the TH and had a quick lunch. A quick out and back to Panther hitting Giant Ledge on the way. Panther completes my 52nd round of the Cat 35." — Nimblefoot • Sep 29, 2022