Most climbed route
1 climb • 18.8 mi • 5,920 ft gain • 12 hr 37 min
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"Yucaipa ridge extravaganza - started from Vivian Creek trailhead, climbed Galena Peak, and followed the infamous ridge all the way down to the preserve. The headwall up to Mill Creek Jumpoff is shorter and easier than most reviews would make you think, but the rockfall risk is very real. Several television set-sized boulders released unprovoked from the top of the headwall: wear a helmet! The Galena - Little San Gorgonio traverse deserves its reputation as one of Southern California's most challenging hikes. A lot of class 3/4 on questionable rock. 10 peaks, long day." — danishclimber • Jun 4, 2022
"Hoo boy....that headwall.The toughest 15 feet I've ever hiked was in that first horizontal crossing midway up on loose sand at a crazy steep diagonal. Absolutely nothing to hold onto, no solid ground, way more difficult than I'd anticipated. Such a relief to get the next bit with something slightly more secure to stand on. My fellow hiker Catherine called it "the moving wall of death." Yep!
At the summit, also did the short easy hike to West Galena Peak, slightly higher than Galena itself.
The return was infinitely easier, as that learning curve is as steep as the headwall. And if you start sliding down the hill at that point, at least you're ultimately heading in the right direction." — HikerMark • Jul 26, 2015
"Sierra Club sponsored hike, 4.6 miles 1-way w/3,300' gain from Mill Creek CG(6,080') paved parking. Headwall had high 40+ mph winds, cool, clear day for an exposed headwall scramble; trail was maint/unmaint w/stream crossing, steep trail above the headwall. Traversed to Galena Peak West (0.2mi w/ 85' gain) from summit for a 2-peak hike. Great views, enjoyable group!" — BradStemm • Sep 25, 2013