3,717 ft / 1,133 m
72 climbs • 4.4 mi • 1,016 ft gain • 2 hr 58 min
7 climbs • 4.0 mi • 1,314 ft gain • 2 hr 53 min
Latest climbs

"Took a weird 3rd class route that goes up through the wash behind the outhouse. Gained a buttress that took me to the cliff bands. Looked improbable even with a full moon shining on the intended path but it wasn't bad. Had a bighorn sheep standing a few meters over me and blocked my path so I kept my distance and won the staring contest. " — MikeERodriguez • Jan 13, 2025

"We missed last year, but attended Eric & Stacey's anniversary hike to Fortification Hill this year. We brought our dogs, Charlotte & Luna with. Charlotte is a bit out of shape and didn't quite make it to the cliff bands before wearing herself out, so I stuffed her in my pack until we reached the summit plateau. Luna did great, even on the scrambling sections (must be that puppy energy!) I carried Charlotte most of the way down too. It was windy, but an otherwise great day!" — Kevin • Jan 15, 2022

"My 2nd summit of Fortification Hill. A wind advisory was issued for the area and we definitely noticed it on the way up! The gusts were most intense right before the rock ledge scramble. However amazingly there was hardly any wind on top and the summit was tranquil and calm.
(notice the photo the flag is not even blowing!) A beautiful view as always!" — DudeAlmighty • Mar 30, 2021

"My second trip up Fortification Hill, and an anniversary hike for the happy couple! I enjoyed this hike much more than my first time up Fortification Hill, where I slipped and broke my tailbone on the way down. :( This time I had zero falls and zero close calls! We also saw a bald eagle from the summit, but sadly my camera was off and away at the time - I didn't get a photo of it. A great time with a toast at the top to the happy couple!" — psychikingjes • Jan 12, 2019

"Led a small group of HLV & LVMC members up to Fortification Hill via the West Ridge route. The beginning of the route was excellent, as well as the scrambling near the top. The huge boulder field in between was not so pleasant. We descended down a steep gully on the SE face and took a wash 2 miles back to the car. " — Kevin • Feb 5, 2017

"Pretty Day. Clear and cold breezes on the ascent. Lots of Burros on the way in and out. Went with Lisa and Ed. Her 1st time. I speed scrambled and ran down the steep descent. Speedy Bliss " — paula.raimondi • Dec 29, 2014

"Led Overweight Hikers Meetup the day after Christmas. Needed a good burn. Was a cold but clear day, and the views on this one are some of the best. Was also cool to watch a few hikers push thru their fears in the short scrambling section of the hike. Watch out for loose rock!" — cardsfanlv • Dec 26, 2014

"A fun morning hike. I am recovering from a chest cold and under estimated how much that would effect me, it was rough to say the least. Took the ridge up, and the wash down. Was kind of gloomy out, lots of cloud cover. Want to go back on a clear day. Too much helicopter traffic would be my main complaint, but all in all a nice cooler weather hike. The scenery on the way up is kind of drab, but the view from the top is amazing and well worth the effort. Great views of Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, and the surrounding mountains. My first Arizona summit. Elevation gain is about 1,350 feet." — cardsfanlv • Dec 1, 2012