2,256 ft / 688 m
16 climbs • 7.5 mi • 1,421 ft gain • 4 hr 35 min
3 climbs • 8.1 mi • 1,856 ft gain • 6 hr 39 min
Latest climbs

"Friday may 26/23. Another incredible day in the lower Dacs working on the Lake George 12ster hiking challenge. Hiking the Tongue range traverse @ 19miles with approximately 5000ft of elevation gain overall on six peaks. First peak, French point mountain, Fifth peak, Fivemile mountain, Huckleberry mountain, and Brown mountain. Flat to start, then some tough ups and downs added some steep bush whacking on the lower section of the range then nicer to moderate trails on the upper range, buggy by midday but got better later in the afternoon and no rattle snakes to report, Long day with some outstanding views" — ramjet1963 • May 26, 2023

"Decided to spend the afternoon hitting the northern peaks on the Tongue Mountain Trail. Great weather, and the hike isn't too difficult. Unfortunately not much in terms of views at the peaks." — marc • Sep 17, 2022

"Dry trail most of the way with some mud at the start just past the trailhead. We started from Deer Leap trailhead in Hague. We did Brown Huckleberry (without realizing we were doing it until we got home and were checking the trail map. This was a nice hike although the best views were at Brown Mt." — sarahlaustrup • May 6, 2022

"After summiting Huckleberry Black and I headed to Fivemile Mtn. We followed two sets of snowshoe tracks up onto a knoll that dead ended. I looked at Peakery GPS and realized that the tracks I was following lost the trail. That said I dropped off the east side of that knoll and bushwacked down to the true trail and found it. I broke trail to the true summit of Fivemile Mtn at 11:42. We returned to the car at 1:32pm. For hikers looking to check off challenges on Peakery this hike is a good bang for the buck. 7.3 miles total and 4 challenges checked. Also for those who prefer skis this is winner . No extreme climbs and smooth trails. Enjoy." — garyogden • Feb 12, 2022

"We hiked over Brown, Huckleberry and Fivemile then headed down to Deer Leap before going back the way we came. I would not go down to the water in the future; it wasn't worth all the extra miles. " — DeliriumTrigger • Jul 18, 2020

"We were planning to do the whole Tongue range but it turned out that we took a lot longer than expected due to the deep snow, so we just did the northern half and will return to do the southern part another day!" — RangersApprentice • Feb 15, 2020

"Started at the Deer Leap trail head & used spikes as the snow was pretty hard. Little did I know that further on some serious
post holing was to be encountered. I finally came across the culprits. Two big guys with no experience & no reason to be on
the trail. Anyway, overcast day with limited views to the Narrows." — billsussdorff • Jun 23, 2019

"Did an overnight backpack of the Tongue Range with Bhakti. We climbed the ridge via the Clay Meadows Trailhead, then headed south over Fifth, French, and First Mountains. We then backtracked over the south summits and climbed the northern peaks, stopping atop Huckleberry for a great wooded camping spot. In the morning we broke camp, shot north to bag Brown, then backtracked over the northern summits and down to the car. " — wacbravo • May 19, 2019

"Did an overnight backpack of the Tongue Range with Bhakti. We climbed the ridge via the Clay Meadows Trailhead, then headed south over Fifth, French, and First Mountains. We then backtracked over the south summits and climbed the northern peaks, stopping atop Huckleberry for a great wooded camping spot. In the morning we broke camp, shot north to bag Brown, then backtracked over the northern summits and down to the car. " — wacbravo • May 18, 2019

"Spent Superbowl Sunday hiking the Upper Tongue Range from the north. I broke trail from the turn off to Deer Leap all the way to Fivemile Mountain, with the snow reaching mid thigh in a few of the gullies. I got my leg and cardio workout in for sure." — Right-On • Feb 3, 2019